
Redirected to scam website

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Clicking any link off of the homepage redirects to a different website. Many of them on mobile are ones promoting fake VPN or virus software for my phone

These are ads. They can be easily closed on mobile by closing the new tab, or if a prompt has appeared, pressing the phone's back button.

Not sure about opening it normally, but I’m completely redirected to some scam website as soon as I click “Start the test”. Clicking the back button sends me to more ads.

Two ads I was directed to:


Did you try tapping the 'x' in the top-left corner? What happens if you do that?

For context, it looks like this advertisement takeover only happens when the website is opened from Facebook. On normal mobile browsers, they open in a new tab, but is still bad

Tapping the “x” brings me back to the Facebook post I discovered this on

I'm not sure what I can do to prevent this without disabling ads entirely. I'll look into it nonetheless.