
iOS app that allows users to change their voice recordings.

Primary LanguageSwift


iOS app that allows users to change their voice recordings.

This project was a part of Udacity's "iOS Developer Nanodegree course"

Primary learning objectives of this project are

  • Creating a new project from existing iOS app templates
  • Adding buttons, images, labels and create user interfaces for the app using the Storyboard
  • Leveraging the Model View Controller (MVC) design principles; this includes writing custom model code, and using UIViewController, and UIView
  • Creating Outlet and Action connections between the views and view controllers. Benefit from the power of Delegates by using them in code
  • Navigating between two scenes in the app using UINavigationController
  • Playing audio files using AVFoundation’s AVAudioEngine class
  • Running the iOS simulator and download the app on a physical device
  • Searching documentation, resolve bugs, and read other people’s code