
EFM8 is not locked at the end of the programming/flashing process

vojnovski opened this issue · 5 comments

Is there a reason why the EFM8 is not locked at the end of the programming process?

It could be done as specified here:, setting 0xFBFF (the EFM8 Lock Byte: to 0x00 with the linker.

For completeness: currently 0xFBFF byte is conditionally set to -32 on each firmware start, at src/eeprom.c#L39

void eeprom_init()
uint8_t secbyte;
if (secbyte == 0xff)
secbyte = -32;
eeprom_write(0xFBFF, &secbyte, 1);

Yes, this locks the eeprom from debugger read out. Thanks!

Just to explain -32 - according to [1] this locks first 32 pages (32x512=16kB) of user flash.

[1] Reference Manual, Chapter 4.3.1, page 27,

@vojnovski Do you know, whether 0 would work the same and lock all the pages?

Hi @szszszsz, yes, from the same manual, setting it to 0 locks all user flash pages.