
Usage of time in check function

Closed this issue · 4 comments

xgebi commented

may I ask what is what time should I use when calling check function?

My first guess was to use current time SystemTime::now().duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap().as_secs()), unfortunately I can't seem to get a token verified.


Thanks for reaching out. I think the issue is that you're passing the library a string key, and use the same string as a key to generate a token in your app/generator

Bear in mind that secret can (should, in secure setting) be an array of non-ascii bytes

In the example, I use "supersecret" as a key

In you use the library to generate an URL with this key, the "secret" parameter will be "ON2XAZLSONSWG4TFOQ", which is base32 for "supersecret"

You want to pass that value to your generator/phone app

You can try it by generating a QR code with the "qr" feature of the library, and then flashing it with your phone. Both your tokens will be the same

xgebi commented

I started with this code to test the library out:

let totp = TOTP::new(
let url = totp.get_url("", "");
println!("url {}", url);
let stdin = io::stdin();
for line in stdin.lock().lines() {
    let unwrapped_line = line.unwrap();
    let timestamp = SystemTime::now()
    let res = totp.check(&unwrapped_line, timestamp.as_secs());
    println!("It matches {}", res);

When I input what Authenticator tells me the code is, the res is false.

I used two different authenticator apps on two different devices, into one I passed otpauth://totp/ and into other just the secret part. Both with same result.

I see you use SHA512, does your app support this algorythm?

SHA1 is the default one

xgebi commented

Thank you. I didn't realize it doesn't.