
Add host.containers.internal entry in aardvark-dns

Opened this issue · 2 comments

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I think that adding the host.containers.internal entry in aardvark-dns would be more consistent and quite handy in some cases.

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When using podman as backend for a k8s kind cluster, host.containers.internal is not resolvable because k8s's internal coredns forwards requests directly to aardvark-dns and /etc/hosts is not propagated to pods.

Luap99 commented

Moved to aardvark-dns repo

In principle that would be possible. However I am not sure if doing this would not break users, at the very least we would need to respect the containers.conf host_containers_internal_ip entry.

Also in the podman machine scenario right now we do not add the entry in /etc/hosts and let it fall back to the internal gvproxy dns server which would return you the actual proper host ip and not the VM ip. If we have aardvark-dns in between replying then this would no longer work.

I am currently running into an issue with Nginx where it does not resolve host.containers.internal because it does not read /etc/hosts for lookups. Having host.containers.internal entry in aardvark-dns would make it just work without extra workarounds.