
Absent state with quadlet should remove quadlet file as well as podman resource.

WhyKickAmooCow opened this issue · 3 comments

/kind feature

When the state is set to be absent, and quadlet options are set, the expected behavior would be to both remove the quadlet file and podman resource. The current behavior is so just remove the podman resource (image, container, volume, ...).

As a user this would be desirable for me to manage podman deployments purely through this module rather than relying on using the file module to remove the quadlets this module generates. Currently I am achieving this behavior through the use of a role, but think this would be better implemented by the module itself.

I am reasonably new to using Ansible so let me know if there are any issues with this approach or if it would not indeed be expected behavior in the ecosystem.

Yeah, it sounds reasonable. We can check quadlet_file, quadlet_dir when state is absent and delete them as well if they are specified, or look for a default file and implicitly delete it. To be consistent though we need to delete systemd files as well then, and it's not the case right now.
Let's hear what others say.