Buildah isn't able to use packages added to the image?
ffarah-chegg opened this issue · 1 comments
Part of the build process is to run Gradle which in turn runs this command (aws codeartifact get-authorization-token $commonCodeArtifactParams --query authorizationToken --output text
) amongst other aws
commands, however, that's failing because it's not finding the aws
package during build even though aws-cli
is installed.
This is the Dockerfile
that builds the buildah
image (which is used to build images on Gitlab):
RUN yum update && \
yum -y install awscli2 \
cmake3 \
git \
groff \
jq \
libffi-devel \
make \
sed \
unzip && \
yum -y clean all && rm -fr /var/cache
COPY scripts /scripts
ENV PATH=$PATH:/bin:/scripts
ENV BIN_PATH=/scripts
This is the command we use to build the image:
buildah bud -f ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/Dockerfile -t ${ECR_IMAGE_TAG_ENV} ${BUILD_LABELS} ${BUILD_ARGS} ${CUSTOM_BUILD_ARGS} --retry=3 --layers
Locally I'm able to run aws (when logged into the container) and $PATH
looks correct:
[root@b6f5bf487770 /]# aws --version
aws-cli/2.17.0 Python/3.12.3 Linux/6.6.31-linuxkit source/x86_64.fedora.40
[root@b6f5bf487770 /]# which aws
[root@b6f5bf487770 /]# echo $PATH
However during build (on Gitlab) aws
is not found and $PATH
is not correct:
[1/2] STEP 16/18: RUN echo $PATH
[1/2] STEP 17/18: RUN aws --version
/bin/sh: aws: No such file or directory
subprocess exited with status 127
subprocess exited with status 127
Error: building at STEP "RUN aws --version": exit status 127
The actual blocker is this:
Welcome to Gradle 8.7!
Here are the highlights of this release:
- Compiling and testing with Java 22
- Cacheable Groovy script compilation
- New methods in lazy collection properties
For more details see
To honour the JVM settings for this build a single-use Daemon process will be forked. For more on this, please refer to in the Gradle documentation.
Daemon will be stopped at the end of the build
> Configure project :
Executing build script:
Executing build script:
Using AWS CLI to get CodeArtifact repo URL
Executing: aws codeartifact get-repository-endpoint --domain company --domain-owner xxxxx --region us-west-2 --repository java-company --format maven --query repositoryEndpoint --output text
AWS CLI isn't installed, please install it to use CodeArtifact
See Authenticating with AWS CodeArtifact: http://go/authenticating-with-aws-codeartifact
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
Is this something that's supported? If so, what am I doing wrong?
Got it to work, I am new to buildah
which is why I was having this issue.
The way I got things to work is by adding doing two things:
- Added
--env PATH=${PATH}
to update the build container${PATH}
to use the same value - Added
-v /path/to/bin
which mounts the "host" bin dir that contains theaws-cli
package onto the build container.
So basically buildah -v /path/to/bin --env PATH=${PATH} ....