
`[sig-cli] Kubectl client Simple pod should support inline execution and attach` flakes

saschagrunert opened this issue · 2 comments

Which jobs are failing?

CRI-O e2e-conmonrs:

Which tests are failing?

[sig-cli] Kubectl client Simple pod should support inline execution and attach

Since when has it been failing?

Since ever, reproducible with latest conmon-rs on main.

Reason for failure (if possible)

The test flakes from time to time not containing the whole output in the logs:

  [FAILED] Expected
      <string>: read:stdin closed
  to contain substring
      <string>: read:value
  In [It] at: test/e2e/kubectl/kubectl.go:764 @ 01/04/23 15:09:48.618

Anything else we need to know?

It looks like a race between the attach data and the processing in the stdout/err read loops. We added this code part to avoid such a race, but it will still happen after a couple of runs (even locally reproducible):

_ = token.cancelled() => {
// Closing immediately may race with outstanding data on stdin for short lived
// containers. This means we try to read once again.
if let Ok(data) = attach.try_read() {
Self::handle_stdin_data(&data, &mut writer).await?;
return Ok(());

I spent some days looking into this and run out of ideas how to solve it. Therefore I would appreciate another pair of eyes.

I am taking a look at this today