
container_kvm_t: cloud-hypervisor can't access /dev/net/tun device

Closed this issue · 5 comments

When running kata-containers on a cluster with SELinux in enforcing mode, using cloud-hypervisor as VMM, I'm getting the following AVC:

type=AVC msg=audit(1638458404.600:6730): avc:  denied  { open } for  pid=188374 comm="vmm" path="/dev/net/tun" dev="devtmpfs" ino=12642 scontext=system_u:system_r:container_kvm_t:s0:c181,c235 tcontext=system_u:object_r:tun_tap_device_t:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1

Using the following allow rule has worked this around for me:

[root@centos cri-o]# ausearch -m AVC -ts recent | audit2allow -R                                                                                                                      
require {                                                                                                                                                                             
        type container_kvm_t;                                                                                                                                                         
#============= container_kvm_t ==============                                                                                                                                         

@rhatdan, I am not familiar with providing a patch for the container-selinux myself, but I can do with some guidance. Otherwise, if ou just think it's easier / faster to do it yourself, please, just let me know if the info provided is enough or if there's something else I could do from my side.

You want to allow confined containers to be able to read/write tunnel tap devices? This is not allowed to general containers?

BTW just open an PR this looks simple enought, I just want to make sure you want this access to all kata containers.

BTW just open an PR this looks simple enought, I just want to make sure you want this access to all kata containers.

Let's hold on this a little bit, and let me double-check with the cloud-hypervisor developers to be totally sure on what I'm proposing here. I didn't know, for instance, that this is not allowed to general containers, and that raises a red flag.

Hmm. Of course it's not, that's the reason we slirp4netns is still used, right?

Okay, let me close this one for now and contact the cloud-hypervisor team on how we could solve this on their side as the first thing.