
What is this project's name?

pmaddams opened this issue · 6 comments

Is it Toolbox or Toolbx? Please don't tell me the O is silent. The project website uses both. If I search for software that uses Toolbo?x, should I search for both spellings? Please provide an FAQ.

The current name is Toolbx. It was formerly known as Toolbox and Fedora Toolbox.

As you found out, there are still places where the old name sticks around. Please feel free to submit pull requests against the web site to update these.

Note that the name of the binary remains toolbox because it's not trivial to change it without breaking backwards compatibility with existing Toolbx containers.

I suggest that you change the name back to Toolbox, because Toolbx is unpronounceable. Imagine people at a conference talking about container tools. I think they will pronounce it Toolbox, so it's confusing for the name to be spelled different. It's not too late to change it back. Do you want help changing the name in various places?

I suggest that you change the name back to Toolbox,

That's unlikely to happen. :)

The decision to drop one o and rename the project as Toolbx happened in October 2021: containers/

Renaming a live project with many different pieces is a deceptively large amount of work, which is why we never got around to getting it fully done.

because Toolbx is unpronounceable.

The pronunciation is still toolbox, but it's spelt without the final o. It's similar to how Flatpak is flatpack without the c.

The problem with spelling the name as Toolbox is that it's a very generic word. More
and more people have been pointing out that "toolbox" is terribly difficult to search for, and it's impossible to find any decent Internet real estate by that name.

Imagine people at a conference talking about container tools. I think they will pronounce it Toolbox, so it's confusing for the name to be spelled different. It's not too late to change it back.

Most people will likely have seen the slides at conference talks and blogs referring to the project as Toolbx, and they will probably use tab completion when using the actual command. Those should reduce the confusion a bit.

Do you want help changing the name in various places?

You could help finish the rename to Toolbx. :)

Pull requests for:

... to advance with the renaming some more.

Do you want help changing the name in various places?

You could help finish the rename to Toolbx. :)

The above commits and pull requests contain pointers to work that's left to be done. I think the easiest next step would be to add create a /run/.toolbxenv stamp file and migrate our own use of the stamp file to the new name.

Closing. Thanks for stopping by.