
Inviting one member from the runwasi team to the youki team

utam0k opened this issue ยท 9 comments

Runwasi has now become the largest user of youki. In fact, they frequently fix bugs that they've identified recently. Moreover, they have already read much of youki's code and provide patches for complex fixes. To facilitate faster growth and communication for both youki and runwasi, we'd like to invite one member from the runwasi team to join the youki team.

If anyone has any opinions or feedback, please let us know within a week.

@containers/youki-maintainers If anyone has any opinions or feedback, please let us know within a week.

I've informed the runwasi team in their slack channel.

I think @jprendes would be a great addition to this project :)

@saschagrunert @lsm5 May I ask you to invite @jprendes to containers org? I gave it a try to invite our team, but it looks like we should invite him to our org before inviting the team.

@jprendes ๐ŸŽ‰ ๐ŸŽ‰
I would appreciate it if you could take care of me from now on. It would be great if you could review or develop other things besides runwasi. Of course, I know you're busy, so you can go at your own pace.

@rumpl @squillace @jsturtevant @cpuguy83 @0xE282B0
Thank you for the recommendation.

lsm5 commented

@utam0k I added @jprendes directly to @containers/youki-maintainers just now. @jprendes should have received an invite. Let me know if anything.

I've received and accepted the invitation.
Thanks! :-)