
Problem with the languages drop-down list

Closed this issue · 5 comments

To reproduce the problem, select the Contao 4 manual and a language. The drop-down list displays Contao 4. Then select a chapter and the drop-down list will change to display Contao 3.5 (fortunately we are not redirected to the Contao manual v3.5).

That problem was fixed in the plugin (see my PR at GitbookIO/plugin-versions#1). However, the old books like Contao 3.4 are not updated anymore and did not get the fixed version of the plugin… Are you sure the problem happened in the 4.0 manual?

Also see #346 :D

Are you sure the problem happened in the 4.0 manual?


Also see #346 :D

Of course it is a new problem ;)

But I retested now and I have pageTr after clicking on a chapter...

capture d ecran 2016-06-27 a 17 38 35

And the icons for anchor links are no longer displayed.

Everything is solved after you have updated GitBook and Plugins 👍