
Check REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION header in app_dev.php

discordier opened this issue · 7 comments

We should discuss if we want to add:

     if (false === $accessKey) {
         header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');
         die(sprintf('You are not allowed to access this file. Check %s for more information.', basename(__FILE__)));
+    // Check for alternate authorization header set by FastCGI et al.
+        list($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'], $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) = explode(':' , base64_decode(substr($_SERVER['REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'], 6)));
+    }
     if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'], $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])

This will provide the authorization in environments where the requests are proxied and therefore no HTTP_AUTHORIZATION environment variable is available.

I don't know if it is an apache only thing or if it also applies to other web servers.
TBH, it was the first time ever I encountered the header at all.

However, I started to wonder if we should change the app_dev to work without any special treatment via .htaccess and the like. I know it will get slower but might work in "all standard setups".

I have not defined yet what the supported setups might be, hence this ticket to discuss if we should do anything at all.

Any idea if this is some standard? Couldn't even find any reference to that header in the Symfony Request class.

I only found some mentions of it here and here.

The problem is, that FastCGI seems to prefix HTTP_AUTHORIZATION with REDIRECT_. Therefore the original header is not to be found anymore.
I assume (have not tested though) if we change the .htaccess to set the REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION instead of HTTP_AUTHORIZATION that we will end up with REDIRECT_REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION then.

As discussed on mumble on 2017-10-05, we will move $request = Request::createFromGlobals(); up and use the server bag

Can you please try a3148f8 ?

Works like a charm.

Tested hosting is 1&1 btw.