
[IDEA] Simple cooking simulator

sirkitree opened this issue · 2 comments

Since we're working with recipes, the idea would be to do a very simplified cooking simulator.

Recipe Selection

Recipes would be displayed over a table which could be selected or paged through. This would be the only real part that would read from Contenta. Thumbnail images, with recipe titles.

We could get fancier at some point by allowing people to browse by the various metadata like tags, categories, prep time, etc. But for the purposes of an MVP, a simple alphabetical listing should do.

Once selected, some ingredients fill the bowl.



The instructions on the sheet of paper on the table read:

  1. Choose a recipe.
  2. Place the bowl in the stove.
  3. Wait for the timer.
  4. Remove food from stove.

This outlines the things we'd need to make work in A-Frame. Selection, filling a bowl with some basic models, bowl physics, opening a stove, starting a timer when it closes with something in it, removing a different model (could be generic at first).



A simple stove would just work on open and close. Open it, place the bowl inside, start the timer if something is inside, countdown and ding! sound, then replace the models placed inside with another model that looks something like finished casserole or something generic.

Later we could get fancier with actual models of what the original recipe is or something, but for MVP let's keep it generic.

What do you think?

P.S. This was prototyped in Anyland.

Thanks @sirkitree!

I have zero experience with VR or anything related to it. But two thoughts come to mind:

  1. We don't really need to be very literal with the cooking experience. Getting to that in VR with the content we have can be complex. Maybe a model of a kitchen with some recipe cards on the table could be simpler. Then you can do a close up to the recipe card to read it.
  2. It's your consumer you are probably going to be building it from the ground to the end. Explore and do whatever feels good for you. Do as you please :-)

Thanks @e0ipso :)

While we don't need to be literal with the cooking experience, reading in VR still isn't amazing and so I feel it's better to provide some sort of element of fun to the experience other than reading. Most of what I've described I've already done with other aframe apps so it won't be super difficult.

I'll be dedicating at least 2 hours/wk to this until complete. As always, happy to get any feedback or thoughts around the experience as I go. I'm going to start a rough outline of tasks for this.