
Can't update with composer

novia713 opened this issue · 9 comments

is this normal? what should i do?   master ↑1 U:1  ~/html/api_nexum  composer up --with-dependencies -o --prefer-dist

Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Package operations: 0 installs, 1 update, 0 removals
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
 - Updating contentacms/contenta_jsonapi dev-8.x-1.x (1c794e4 => 1589c19):     Update failed (Source directory web/profiles/contrib/contenta_jsonapi has unpushed changes on the current branch: 
A       config/sync/.htaccess
A       config/sync/coffee.configuration.yml
A       config/sync/core.base_field_override.node.client.promote.yml
A       config/sync/core.base_field_override.node.collaborator.promote.yml
A       config/sync/core.base_field_override.node.collaborator.title.yml
A       config/sync/core.base_field_override.node.date_assignement.promote.yml
A       config/sync/core.base_field_override.node.document.promote.yml
A       config/sync/core.base_field_override.node.document.title.yml
A       config/sync/core.base_field_override.node.employee.promote.yml
A       config/sync/core.base_field_override.node.employee.title.yml
... etc ...


"discard-changes": true

into the config section of your composer.json, then run composer update again

Alternatively you can also run COMPOSER_DISCARD_CHANGES=1 composer update … as a one-time-thing.

However it seems that you're storing extra config inside of the distribution folder, and that seems wrong. You should have your site-owned cofig location.

Agreed ^^

@e0ipso @simesy i wonder how am i storing any confing, given i never did nor
drush cex nor drupal ce. also didn't never export config from the proper site ... :-(

also nor including in composer config "discard-changes": true nor giving the following command
COMPOSER_DISCARD_CHANGES=1 composer up --with-dependencies -o --prefer-dist the system founds any solution. so, the problem reamins.

i don't want to forget to say thanks for the project in general and specially for this problem in particular :-)

Can you clarify what the current error is? Did you ever get past it @novia713?

I'm leaning towards that this is a composer issue. Something is special about your setup / local environment.

Please request a re-open if you cannot get past this error.

this was months ago, i don't remind what i did, anyway it didn't show up anymore