
Multiple fields in one app

cjcheshire opened this issue · 1 comments

Forgive my ignorance. We’re exploring using the app method for custom fields rather than the legacy extensions.

Using the bootstrap has been a great help to do what we need. It seems both the CRA and nextjs solutions (closest to our tech stack) both do very similar things. As CRA out of the box isn’t greqt with routes we considered nextjs but is it possible when defining an app in Contentful to use a subdirectory rather than the route?

I’m all for single purpose but think we have a use case where some logic isn’t worth duplicating. So hosting more fields in one app would be ace.

If this isn’t on the roadmap, no problem, if there’s an example, happy to poked in the right direction.


Hey @cjcheshire!

Apologize for the lack of response to your question, we recently changed the processes we respond to issues and this fell through the cracks.

We typically reserve this issue board for potential bugs and issues with an official marketplace app, The Contentful Community slack is a great place to ask questions like this, around approach for designing a new app.


Mitch Goudy