
State of the project

schickling opened this issue · 46 comments

Hello Contentlayer community,

I wanted to share an update regarding the ongoing maintenance of Contentlayer. I am committed to the project and will continue to work on it, aiming for monthly releases (for as long as there is sustainable financial backing). These updates will prioritize fixing pressing bugs and, when possible, introducing new features. I appreciate all the support and feedback from the community and am glad to see developers finding value in Contentlayer.

I'd like to thank Stackbit for their generous, continuous sponsorship of Contentlayer, making the initial development possible. However, (at least for now) they have had to scale down their level of sponsorship, and as a result, I can currently allocate one day a month to the project. I kindly ask for your understanding and patience, given these time constraints, as I continue my efforts to work on Contentlayer.

Thanks again your ongoing support and helpful feedback. Your input contributes significantly to the development and improvement of Contentlayer.


Keep up the good work. 🥇

Thank you for the update, @schickling. It's unfortunate to hear that Stackbit has had to scale back their sponsorship.

Are there any opportunities for community funding or contributions that could help Contentlayer reach V1?

Thanks for the update, @schickling!

My Involvement

I will also continue to be involved. My efforts will largely be focused on docs and will equate to about 1-2 days per month. I plan to spend a few hours each week improving the documentation so that we can all continue to have a good experience working with Contentlayer.

Docs Improvements

If you find gaps or errors, or have ideas for the site or documentation, please create an issue on the website repo.

Project Contributions

@jasongerbes (and others who may have the same question): The most valuable forms of contribution today are list on this page.

Given @schickling's reduced time, the most valuable of this list are in providing support to the community, in the form of:

  • Triaging issues: Verifying that reported issues are reproducible and asking for more information when the reported issue is not clear.
  • Responding in Discord: Many folks report issues in Discord before creating GitHub issues. Most of these are questions that can be answered without creating an issue. Some should be logged in GitHub. Helping users get to the right path is valuable to the project.

Feel free to jump right in. Or, if you'd like help forming more of a process, or would like to contribute in other ways, feel free to reach out directly to me (Discord is best) and we'll work together on it.