json-rte-serializer not converting embedded image assets to and from html
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Hello good people of Contentstack,
I have a bug report/question: I'm using the json-rte-serializer to convert Contentstack json rich text fields to html and back.
I'm having some trouble when the rich text includes a reference to an image in my assets, such as with this example:
Where the json rich text for the asset reads:
"type": "doc",
"attrs": {},
"uid": "15f6598d47d64423bf741c2a8869aba1",
"children": [
"uid": "297d01bb8fa3427a9d1762fa618cc2c1",
"type": "reference",
"attrs": {
"display-type": "display",
"asset-uid": "blte303180181b60c6b",
"content-type-uid": "sys_assets",
"asset-link": "https://images.contentstack.io/v3/assets/blt16cd66e95c9bd033/blte303180181b60c6b/6634d8e33d07fbb1b8d9793d/Sphere.jpeg",
"asset-name": "Sphere.jpeg",
"asset-type": "image/jpeg",
"type": "asset",
"class-name": "embedded-asset",
"alt": "Sphere.jpeg",
"asset-alt": "Sphere.jpeg",
"redactor-attributes": {
"alt": "Sphere.jpeg",
"position": "none",
"caption": "Image Caption"
"style": {},
"position": "none",
"asset-caption": "Image Caption"
"children": [
"text": ""
"_version": 1
and the jsonToHtml
conversion yields:
<figure style="margin: 0">
<div style="display: inline-block"><img
alt="Sphere.jpeg" caption="Image Caption" class="embedded-asset" content-type-uid="sys_assets" type="asset"
asset-alt="Sphere.jpeg" style="width: auto"
data-sys-asset-uid="blte303180181b60c6b" data-sys-asset-filename="Sphere.jpeg"
data-sys-asset-contenttype="image/jpeg" data-sys-asset-caption="Image Caption"
data-sys-asset-alt="Sphere.jpeg" data-sys-asset-position="none" sys-style-type="display"/>
<figcaption style="text-align:center">Image Caption</figcaption>
But when I take the resulting HTML and try to convert it back, using htmlToJson
I get:
"type": "doc",
"uid": "4886ddaf349946bc9d9ebf1df10c5b25",
"attrs": {},
"children": [
"type": "img",
"attrs": {
"style": {
"margin": "0px"
"redactor-attributes": {
"style": "margin: 0"
"uid": "90aafc2814334af293d30843e650bde6",
"children": [
"text": ""
Witch results in a malformed image/field once used to update the original Contentstack entry.
Is this sort of to-and-from transformation not supported for assets/images? Or could this be a bug you folks could help me with?
(I'm using "@contentstack/json-rte-serializer": "^2.0.6" )
Hey @krystofsykora, this should be fixed on the latest versions, and now you can get the embedded image assets while converting JSON to HTML and vice-versa.