
Improve querying experience

samheutmaker opened this issue · 2 comments

Right now the CLI querying experience is functional, but the UX is bad. Below are a few ideas for improvements. If you have your own ideas, please share them! Here are a few of my own.

  1. Currently, output is streamed token by token as plaintext. When the response is complete, we output the entire response as markdown using marked-terminal. It would be nice if we could figure out how to stream the response token by token as markdown. I'm not sure if this is possible using marked-terminal, but further investigation is required.
  2. When querying, the cursor sometime flickers. I'm not sure what is causing this, but it needs to be investigated and fixed.
  3. Querying responses currently wrap in the middle of a word. This makes them hard to read. We should fix this.
  4. It would be really cool to have a k9s style querying console for Autodoc. This would be a big undertaking that would 10x UX IMHO.

Is there any UX / API for querying ?

og3og commented

For number 2, I found someone that mentioned it happens when running Inquirer in a child process SBoudrias/Inquirer.js#408