
Contiki 3.0 - MicaZ Mote Failing to Receive Packets in Cooja

NAndrianos opened this issue · 0 comments

Hello Community,

I have been attempting to use the Broadcast example from the Rime examples folder to test Tx/Rx of packets with MicaZ mote type.

When compiling the firmware, no errors occur and they compile successfully. However, when I start the simulation, the only message printed is 'broadcast message sent' (see attached image). Looking at the example code in contiki/examples/rime/example-broadcast.c, the function broadcast_recv (see attached image) is supposed to be called automatically when a packet is received as per:

static const struct broadcast_callbacks broadcast_call = {broadcast_recv};

When I try running this example with Sky motes, the example works perfectly. Packets are received and sent, evident by the printf() statement in broadcast_recv working.

Does anyone know how to fix the issue of MicaZ motes not receiving packets? Or has anyone experienced similar issues?
