
How to flash contiki-ng into Launchpad cc1312R1

PatrykFonseca opened this issue · 0 comments

I'm trying to flash the contiki-ng into the launchpad cc1312R1 Rev:A, tried the hello-world example and also the base-demo
I've followed the steps in:
and I could build the project using code composer studio with v12, with the simplelink SDK installed and all necessary modules.

But there's actually two thing's going on:

  1. The output of the builder is a ".simplelink" file instead a .ELF file
  2. I'm able to use the ".simplelink" file to run the debug session, but the code stops inside a function trying to get the chip info inside the chipinfo.c file.

Here's the makefile for the hello-world example:

CONTIKI_PROJECT = hello-world

TARGET = simplelink
BOARD= launchpad/cc1312r1
CFLAGS += -g


CONTIKI = ../..
include $(CONTIKI)/Makefile.include

Here's the output for the builder and linker:

"C:\\ti\\ccs1271\\ccs\\utils\\bin\\gmake" -k -j 4 hello-world -O 
  MKDIR     build/simplelink/launchpad/cc1312r1/obj/.deps
  MKDIR     build/simplelink/launchpad/cc1312r1/gen
  CC        hello-world.c
  CC        ../../arch/platform/simplelink/cc13xx-cc26xx/batmon-sensor.c
 CC        ../../os/net/routing/rpl-lite/rpl.c
  LD        build/simplelink/launchpad/cc1312r1/hello-world.simplelink

**** Build Finished ****

When debugging the code stops on the following function:

NOROM_ThisLibraryIsFor_CC13x2_CC26x2_HwRev20AndLater_HaltIfViolated() at chipinfo.c:208

Any ideas of what could be the problem?