
Is there any other way to get information apart from pokedex.pokemon(id) ?

enbermudas opened this issue · 3 comments

I would like to do something like this:


because i saw the csv file with that information? My question is: Is that valid or this library does not have this kind o function? If it does not, is there a way to extend it so i can implement thata myself ?

@enbermudez Right now this library doesn't have that functionality. I just made a merge request #3 that will update the current functionality to use an updated version of csvtojson, then once that gets merged I had planned on adding this functionality and also adding that kind of data to the pokemon objects themselves. I am going to start work on that in my forked repo

@tcov189 Great! I'll be following those changes

@enbermudez Hey just so you know I am going to abandon my fork for this repo in favor for this one