
Cannot run after compiling on Mac

jobukkit opened this issue · 8 comments

I am using Mac OS Sonoma 14.4.1. I successfully compiled the app, but when running it it immediately crashes. Running it from another terminal reveals the following error:

~/Downloads/contour/build/macos-release/src/contour/▶ ./contour
Warning: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "cocoa" in "" ((null):0, (null))
Fatal: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
 ((null):0, (null))

The precompiled build does work.


Can you please check the configuration entry for platform_plugin in the config file located at $HOME/.config/contour/contour.yml?

The platform plugin is set to the default "auto". Deleting the file or changing it to "cocoa" has no effect.

The platform plugin is set to the default "auto". Deleting the file or changing it to "cocoa" has no effect.

Oh, i see, thanks for the info i think that @christianparpart might have some time soon to check macos support

Does it require Qt or can use something with a better cross-platform support like GTK?

This is how I build Contour (master) from scratch on my Apple M1
christianparpart@ClashOfTitan ~/p/contour (master)> arch -arm64 ./scripts/
Already fetched libunicode-23d7b30166a914b10526bb8fe7a469a9610c07dc.tar.gz. Skipping.
Already extracted libunicode-23d7b30166a914b10526bb8fe7a469a9610c07dc.tar.gz. Skipping.
==> Downloading
################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
Warning: catch2 3.6.0 is already installed and up-to-date.
To reinstall 3.6.0, run:
  brew reinstall catch2
Warning: cpp-gsl 4.0.0_1 is already installed and up-to-date.
To reinstall 4.0.0_1, run:
  brew reinstall cpp-gsl
Warning: fmt 10.2.1_1 is already installed and up-to-date.
To reinstall 10.2.1_1, run:
  brew reinstall fmt
Warning: fontconfig 2.15.0 is already installed and up-to-date.
To reinstall 2.15.0, run:
  brew reinstall fontconfig
Warning: freetype 2.13.2 is already installed and up-to-date.
To reinstall 2.13.2, run:
  brew reinstall freetype
Warning: harfbuzz 8.5.0 is already installed and up-to-date.
To reinstall 8.5.0, run:
  brew reinstall harfbuzz
Warning: pkg-config 0.29.2_3 is already installed and up-to-date.
To reinstall 0.29.2_3, run:
  brew reinstall pkg-config
Warning: qt 6.7.0_1 is already installed and up-to-date.
To reinstall 6.7.0_1, run:
  brew reinstall qt
Warning: libssh2 1.11.0_1 is already installed and up-to-date.
To reinstall 1.11.0_1, run:
  brew reinstall libssh2
Warning: range-v3 0.12.0 is already installed and up-to-date.
To reinstall 0.12.0, run:
  brew reinstall range-v3
Warning: yaml-cpp 0.8.0 is already installed and up-to-date.
To reinstall 0.8.0, run:
  brew reinstall yaml-cpp
Already fetched boxed-cpp-1.2.2.tar.gz. Skipping.
Already extracted boxed-cpp-1.2.2.tar.gz. Skipping.
Already fetched termbench-pro-7f86c882b2dab88a0cceeffd7e3848f55fa5f6f2.tar.gz. Skipping.
Already extracted termbench-pro-7f86c882b2dab88a0cceeffd7e3848f55fa5f6f2.tar.gz. Skipping.
christianparpart@ClashOfTitan ~/p/contour (master)> arch -arm64 cmake --preset macos-release
Preset CMake variables:

  CODE_SIGN_CERTIFICATE_ID="Developer ID Application: Christian Parpart (6T525MU9UR)"

-- [Version] Git branch: master
-- [Version] Git SHA: 2dcb6604
-- [Version] version source: git & /Users/christianparpart/projects/contour/metainfo.xml
-- [Version] version triple: 0.4.4
-- [Version] version string: 0.4.4-master-2dcb6604
-- The CXX compiler identification is AppleClang
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/c++ - skipped
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- [ccache] Enabled: /opt/homebrew/bin/ccache
-- [clang-tidy] Disabled.
-- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD - Success
-- Found Threads: TRUE
-- addr2line: ADDR2LINE-NOTFOUND
-- No sanitizer enabled.
-- Embedding 3rdparty libraries: /Users/christianparpart/projects/contour/_deps/sources
-- Found HarfBuzz: /opt/homebrew/lib/libharfbuzz.dylib
-- Found Freetype: /opt/homebrew/lib/libfreetype.dylib (found version "2.13.2")
-- [clang-tidy] Disabled.
-- Performing Test fdiagnostics-color=always
-- Performing Test fdiagnostics-color=always - Success
-- Adding compiler flag: -fdiagnostics-color=always.
-- Enabling pedantic compiler options: yes
-- Performing Test Qunused-arguments
-- Performing Test Qunused-arguments - Success
-- Adding compiler flag: -Qunused-arguments.
-- Performing Test Wall
-- Performing Test Wall - Success
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wall.
-- Performing Test Wduplicate-enum
-- Performing Test Wduplicate-enum - Success
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wduplicate-enum.
-- Performing Test Wduplicated-cond
-- Performing Test Wduplicated-cond - Failed
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wduplicated-cond failed.
-- Performing Test Wextra
-- Performing Test Wextra - Success
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wextra.
-- Performing Test Wextra-semi
-- Performing Test Wextra-semi - Success
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wextra-semi.
-- Performing Test Wfinal-dtor-non-final-class
-- Performing Test Wfinal-dtor-non-final-class - Success
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wfinal-dtor-non-final-class.
-- Performing Test Wimplicit-fallthrough
-- Performing Test Wimplicit-fallthrough - Success
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wimplicit-fallthrough.
-- Performing Test Wlogical-op
-- Performing Test Wlogical-op - Failed
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wlogical-op failed.
-- Performing Test Wmissing-declarations
-- Performing Test Wmissing-declarations - Success
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wmissing-declarations.
-- Performing Test Wnewline-eof
-- Performing Test Wnewline-eof - Success
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wnewline-eof.
-- Performing Test Wno-unknown-attributes
-- Performing Test Wno-unknown-attributes - Success
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-unknown-attributes.
-- Performing Test Wno-unknown-pragmas
-- Performing Test Wno-unknown-pragmas - Success
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-unknown-pragmas.
-- Performing Test Wdangling-reference
-- Performing Test Wdangling-reference - Failed
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wdangling-reference failed.
-- Performing Test Wnull-dereference
-- Performing Test Wnull-dereference - Success
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wnull-dereference.
-- Performing Test Wpessimizing-move
-- Performing Test Wpessimizing-move - Success
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wpessimizing-move.
-- Performing Test Wredundant-move
-- Performing Test Wredundant-move - Success
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wredundant-move.
-- Performing Test Wsuggest-destructor-override
-- Performing Test Wsuggest-destructor-override - Success
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wsuggest-destructor-override.
-- Performing Test pedantic
-- Performing Test pedantic - Success
-- Adding compiler flag: -pedantic.
-- Performing Test Werror
-- Performing Test Werror - Success
-- Adding compiler flag: -Werror.
-- Performing Test Wno-error=c++20-extensions
-- Performing Test Wno-error=c++20-extensions - Success
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-error=c++20-extensions.
-- Performing Test Wno-c++20-extensions
-- Performing Test Wno-c++20-extensions - Success
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-c++20-extensions.
-- Performing Test Wno-error=class-memaccess
-- Performing Test Wno-error=class-memaccess - Failed
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-error=class-memaccess failed.
-- Performing Test Wno-class-memaccess
-- Performing Test Wno-class-memaccess - Failed
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-class-memaccess failed.
-- Performing Test Wno-error=missing-declarations
-- Performing Test Wno-error=missing-declarations - Success
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-error=missing-declarations.
-- Performing Test Wno-missing-declarations
-- Performing Test Wno-missing-declarations - Success
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-missing-declarations.
-- [code coverage] Disabled.
-- Found Python3: /opt/homebrew/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/bin/python3.12 (found version "3.12.4") found components: Interpreter
-- libunicode library build mode: STATIC
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--     libunicode (version 0.4.0)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Build type:                  RelWithDebInfo
-- Build mode:                  static
-- Build unit tests:            OFF
-- Build tools:                 OFF
-- Using ccache:                /opt/homebrew/bin/ccache
-- Using UCD directory:         /Users/christianparpart/projects/contour/_deps/sources/libunicode-23d7b30166a914b10526bb8fe7a469a9610c07dc/_ucd/ucd-15.0.0
-- Enable clang-tidy:           OFF ()
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ==============================================================================
--     ThirdParties
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- fmt                 system package
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- [clang-tidy] Disabled.
-- Adding compiler flag: -fdiagnostics-color=always.
-- Enabling pedantic compiler options: yes
-- Adding compiler flag: -Qunused-arguments.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wall.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wduplicate-enum.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wduplicated-cond failed.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wextra.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wextra-semi.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wfinal-dtor-non-final-class.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wimplicit-fallthrough.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wlogical-op failed.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wmissing-declarations.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wnewline-eof.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-unknown-attributes.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-unknown-pragmas.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wdangling-reference failed.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wnull-dereference.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wpessimizing-move.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wredundant-move.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wsuggest-destructor-override.
-- Adding compiler flag: -pedantic.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Werror.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-error=c++20-extensions.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-c++20-extensions.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-error=class-memaccess failed.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-class-memaccess failed.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-error=missing-declarations.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-missing-declarations.
-- termbench library build mode: STATIC
-- base dir: /Users/christianparpart/projects/contour/build/macos-release/_deps/sources/boxed-cpp-1.2.2/3rdparty
-- dnld dir: /Users/christianparpart/projects/contour/build/macos-release/_deps/sources/boxed-cpp-1.2.2/_downloads
-- [clang-tidy] Disabled.
-- Adding compiler flag: -fdiagnostics-color=always.
-- Enabling pedantic compiler options: yes
-- Adding compiler flag: -Qunused-arguments.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wall.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wduplicate-enum.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wduplicated-cond failed.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wextra.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wextra-semi.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wfinal-dtor-non-final-class.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wimplicit-fallthrough.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wlogical-op failed.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wmissing-declarations.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wnewline-eof.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-unknown-attributes.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-unknown-pragmas.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wdangling-reference failed.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wnull-dereference.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wpessimizing-move.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wredundant-move.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wsuggest-destructor-override.
-- Adding compiler flag: -pedantic.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Werror.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-error=c++20-extensions.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-c++20-extensions.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-error=class-memaccess failed.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-class-memaccess failed.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-error=missing-declarations.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-missing-declarations.
-- [boxed-cpp] Compile unit tests: OFF
-- Adding compiler flag: -fdiagnostics-color=always.
-- Enabling pedantic compiler options: yes
-- Adding compiler flag: -Qunused-arguments.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wall.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wduplicate-enum.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wduplicated-cond failed.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wextra.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wextra-semi.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wfinal-dtor-non-final-class.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wimplicit-fallthrough.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wlogical-op failed.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wmissing-declarations.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wnewline-eof.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-unknown-attributes.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-unknown-pragmas.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wdangling-reference failed.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wnull-dereference.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wpessimizing-move.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wredundant-move.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wsuggest-destructor-override.
-- Adding compiler flag: -pedantic.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Werror.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-error=c++20-extensions.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-c++20-extensions.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-error=class-memaccess failed.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-class-memaccess failed.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-error=missing-declarations.
-- Adding compiler flag: -Wno-missing-declarations.
CMake Warning at src/crispy/CMakeLists.txt:60 (message):
  Target architecture not detected: arm64

-- Looking for backtrace
-- Looking for backtrace - found
-- Looking for backtrace_symbols
-- Looking for backtrace_symbols - found
-- Looking for dladdr
-- Looking for dladdr - found
-- Looking for dlsym
-- Looking for dlsym - found
-- Looking for include file dlfcn.h
-- Looking for include file dlfcn.h - found
-- Looking for include file cxxabi.h
-- Looking for include file cxxabi.h - found
-- Looking for include file execinfo.h
-- Looking for include file execinfo.h - found
-- Looking for include file sys/select.h
-- Looking for include file sys/select.h - found
-- Looking for include file unwind.h
-- Looking for include file unwind.h - found
-- [crispy-core] Adding compile definition: HAVE_BACKTRACE
-- [crispy-core] Adding compile definition: HAVE_BACKTRACE_SYMBOLS
-- [crispy-core] Adding compile definition: HAVE_CXXABI_H
-- [crispy-core] Adding compile definition: HAVE_DLADDR
-- [crispy-core] Adding compile definition: HAVE_DLFCN_H
-- [crispy-core] Adding compile definition: HAVE_DLSYM
-- [crispy-core] Adding compile definition: HAVE_EXECINFO_H
-- [crispy-core] Adding compile definition: HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H
-- [crispy-core] Adding compile definition: HAVE_UNWIND_H
-- [crispy] Compile unit tests: ON
-- The OBJCXX compiler identification is AppleClang
-- Detecting OBJCXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting OBJCXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working OBJCXX compiler: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/c++ - skipped
-- The OBJC compiler identification is AppleClang
-- Detecting OBJC compiler ABI info
-- Detecting OBJC compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working OBJC compiler: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang - skipped
-- Found PkgConfig: /opt/homebrew/bin/pkg-config (found version "0.29.2")
-- Found Fontconfig: /opt/homebrew/lib/libfontconfig.dylib (found version "2.15.0")
-- Checking for module 'harfbuzz'
--   Found harfbuzz, version 8.5.0
-- [text_shaper] Librarires: unicode::unicode;boxed-cpp::boxed-cpp;fmt::fmt-header-only;range-v3::range-v3;Microsoft.GSL::GSL;-framework Foundation;-framework AppKit;-framework CoreText;Freetype::Freetype;PkgConfig::harfbuzz;Fontconfig::Fontconfig
-- Checking for module 'libssh2'
--   Found libssh2, version 1.11.0
-- [vtpty] Builtin-SSH support enabled
-- [vtbackend] Compile unit tests: ON
-- [vtbackend] Enable VT sequence tracing: ON
-- [vtbackend] Enable passive render buffer update: OFF
-- [vtbackend] Build bench-headless: ON
-- [vtbackend] Build documentation tool: OFF
-- [vtrasterizer] Compile unit tests:
-- Qt components: Core;Gui;Qml;Quick;QuickControls2;Network;Multimedia;Widgets;OpenGL;OpenGLWidgets;Core5Compat
-- Performing Test HAVE_STDATOMIC
-- Performing Test HAVE_STDATOMIC - Success
-- Found WrapAtomic: TRUE
-- Found OpenGL: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.4.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework
-- Found WrapOpenGL: TRUE
-- Found WrapVulkanHeaders: /opt/homebrew/include
-- Executable tic found (/usr/bin/tic).
-- Qt Core: collecting ...
-- Qt QDarwinBluetoothPermissionPlugin: Ignoring '/opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/permissions/libqdarwinbluetoothpermission.a'
-- Qt QDarwinCalendarPermissionPlugin: Ignoring '/opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/permissions/libqdarwincalendarpermission.a'
-- Qt QDarwinCameraPermissionPlugin: Ignoring '/opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/permissions/libqdarwincamerapermission.a'
-- Qt QDarwinContactsPermissionPlugin: Ignoring '/opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/permissions/libqdarwincontactspermission.a'
-- Qt QDarwinLocationPermissionPlugin: Ignoring '/opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/permissions/libqdarwinlocationpermission.a'
-- Qt QDarwinMicrophonePermissionPlugin: Ignoring '/opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/permissions/libqdarwinmicrophonepermission.a'
-- Qt Gui: collecting ...
-- Qt QCocoaIntegrationPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/platforms/libqcocoa.dylib
-- Qt QGifPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/imageformats/libqgif.dylib
-- Qt QICNSPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/imageformats/libqicns.dylib
-- Qt QICOPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/imageformats/libqico.dylib
-- Qt QJp2Plugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/imageformats/libqjp2.dylib
-- Qt QJpegPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/imageformats/libqjpeg.dylib
-- Qt QMacHeifPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/imageformats/libqmacheif.dylib
-- Qt QMinimalIntegrationPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/platforms/libqminimal.dylib
-- Qt QMngPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/imageformats/libqmng.dylib
-- Qt QOffscreenIntegrationPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/platforms/libqoffscreen.dylib
-- Qt QPdfPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/imageformats/libqpdf.dylib
-- Qt QSvgIconPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/iconengines/libqsvgicon.dylib
-- Qt QSvgPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/imageformats/libqsvg.dylib
-- Qt QTgaPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/imageformats/libqtga.dylib
-- Qt QTiffPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/imageformats/libqtiff.dylib
-- Qt QTuioTouchPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/generic/libqtuiotouchplugin.dylib
-- Qt QVirtualKeyboardPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/platforminputcontexts/libqtvirtualkeyboardplugin.dylib
-- Qt QWbmpPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/imageformats/libqwbmp.dylib
-- Qt QWebpPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/imageformats/libqwebp.dylib
-- Qt Qml: collecting ...
-- Qt QDebugMessageServiceFactoryPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/qmltooling/libqmldbg_messages.dylib
-- Qt QLocalClientConnectionFactoryPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/qmltooling/libqmldbg_local.dylib
-- Qt QQmlDebugServerFactoryPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/qmltooling/libqmldbg_server.dylib
-- Qt QQmlDebuggerServiceFactoryPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/qmltooling/libqmldbg_debugger.dylib
-- Qt QQmlInspectorServiceFactoryPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/qmltooling/libqmldbg_inspector.dylib
-- Qt QQmlNativeDebugConnectorFactoryPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/qmltooling/libqmldbg_native.dylib
-- Qt QQmlNativeDebugServiceFactoryPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/qmltooling/libqmldbg_nativedebugger.dylib
-- Qt QQmlPreviewServiceFactoryPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/qmltooling/libqmldbg_preview.dylib
-- Qt QQmlProfilerServiceFactoryPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/qmltooling/libqmldbg_profiler.dylib
-- Qt QQuick3DProfilerAdapterFactoryPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/qmltooling/libqmldbg_quick3dprofiler.dylib
-- Qt QQuickProfilerAdapterFactoryPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/qmltooling/libqmldbg_quickprofiler.dylib
-- Qt QTcpServerConnectionFactoryPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/qmltooling/libqmldbg_tcp.dylib
-- Qt Quick: no plugins to install
-- Qt QuickControls2: no plugins to install
-- Qt Network: collecting ...
-- Qt QGlibNetworkInformationPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/networkinformation/libqglib.dylib
-- Qt QSCNetworkReachabilityNetworkInformationPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/networkinformation/libqscnetworkreachability.dylib
-- Qt QSecureTransportBackendPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/tls/libqsecuretransportbackend.dylib
-- Qt QTlsBackendCertOnlyPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/tls/libqcertonlybackend.dylib
-- Qt QTlsBackendOpenSSLPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/tls/libqopensslbackend.dylib
-- Qt Multimedia: collecting ...
-- Qt QDarwinMediaPlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/multimedia/libdarwinmediaplugin.dylib
-- Qt Widgets: collecting ...
-- Qt QMacStylePlugin: Installing from /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/share/qt/plugins/styles/libqmacstyle.dylib
-- Qt OpenGL: no plugins to install
-- Qt OpenGLWidgets: no plugins to install
-- Qt Core5Compat: no plugins to install
-- Library Search Dir: /opt/homebrew/lib
-- Library Search Dir: /usr/local/lib
-- Library Search Dir: /usr/lib
-- Library Search Dir: /lib
-- Library Search Dir: /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/bin
-- Library Search Dir: /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/lib
-- macdeployqt path: /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/bin
-- macdeployqt location: /opt/homebrew/opt/qt/bin/macdeployqt
-- ==============================================================================
--     Contour ThirdParties
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Catch2              system package
-- GSL                 system package
-- fmt                 system package
-- freetype            system package
-- harfbuzz            system package
-- range-v3            system package
-- yaml-cpp            system package
-- termbench-pro       embedded
-- libunicode          embedded
-- boxed-cpp           embedded
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ==============================================================================
--     Contour (0.4.4-master-2dcb6604)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- System:                                             arm64 (Darwin)
-- Build type:                                         RelWithDebInfo
-- C++ standard:                                       C++20 (AppleClang)
-- Using ccache:                                       /opt/homebrew/bin/ccache
-- Build with sanitizer:                               OFF
-- Build unit tests:                                   ON
-- Enable with code coverage:                          OFF
-- Build contour frontend GUI:                         ON
-- Build contour using Qt:                             6 (6.7.0)
-- Build contour using mimalloc:                       OFF
-- Clang Tidy:                                         OFF
-- |> Enable performance metrics:                      OFF
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done (5.6s)
-- Generating done (0.0s)
-- Build files have been written to: /Users/christianparpart/projects/contour/build/macos-release
christianparpart@ClashOfTitan ~/p/contour (master)> cmake --build --preset macos-release
[0/148] Generating UCD API and tables from /Users/christianparpart...ibunicode-23d7b30166a914b10526bb8fe7a469a9610c07dc/_ucd/ucd-15.0.0
Output files up-to-date.
[9/148] Generating UCD codepoint properties tables from /Users/chr...ibunicode-23d7b30166a914b10526bb8fe7a469a9610c07dc/_ucd/ucd-15.0.0
Loading file Scripts.txt ... 38 ms
Loading file DerivedCoreProperties.txt ... 96 ms
Loading file DerivedAge.txt ... 20 ms
Loading file extracted/DerivedGeneralCategory.txt ... 40 ms
Loading file extracted/DerivedName.txt ... 167 ms
Loading file auxiliary/GraphemeBreakProperty.txt ... 8 ms
Loading file EastAsianWidth.txt ... 16 ms
Loading file emoji/emoji-data.txt ... 9 ms
Assigning EmojiSegmentationCategory ... 2 ms
Assigning char_width ... 0 ms
Creating multistage tables (properties) ... 15 ms
Creating multistage tables (names) ... 669 ms
Writing C++ table files ... 13 ms
[148/148] Linking CXX executable src/contour/
ld: warning: ignoring duplicate libraries: 'src/crispy/libcrispy-core.a', 'src/vtbackend/libvtbackend.a'
christianparpart@ClashOfTitan ~/p/contour (master)> ./build/macos-release/src/contour/ version
Contour Terminal Emulator 0.4.4-master-2dcb6604

christianparpart@ClashOfTitan ~/p/contour (master)> ./build/macos-release/src/contour/
[error] freetype: Failed to set LCD filter. unimplemented feature
Debug[qml]: Client process terminated. Closing the window. (qrc:/contour/ui/Terminal.qml:182, expression for onTerminated)
christianparpart@ClashOfTitan ~/p/contour (master)>

So the commands in short should be:

# get dependencies
arch -arm64 ./scripts/

# configure the project
arch -arm64 cmake --preset macos-release

# build the binary package
cmake --build --preset macos-release

# run it from within the source's build directory

# package it
cpack --preset macos-release

# install it from package (be aware of the wildcard `*`)
open ./build/macos-release/Contour-*-Darwin.dmg

Then you'd probably want to package your own .dmg file, using cpack command.

How did you install Qt and which version is it? I am consuming the dependencies all through brew on my local machine.

@jobukkit did you find out the reason for it? i can compile on mac without such issues, you can provide cmake output during configuration stage maybe then we can figure out the reason
@barracuda156 we use qt for cross-platform support, and for now not planning to support another frameworks or replace qt

@Yaraslaut Got it, thank you for responding.

@jobukkit did you find out the reason for it? i can compile on mac without such issues, you can provide cmake output during configuration stage maybe then we can figure out the reason

I haven't gotten around to trying again yet.