
let's talk about encodings

dankamongmen opened this issue · 3 comments

What I see of the payload description here worries me.

I have found in the year's Notcurses testing that performance in the large is absolutely dominated by the number of bytes transmitted. This is magnified when the application generating the data is remote. I collect a good amount of data on how many bytes are transmitted. Here's notcurses-demo's xray demo, which plays a video scaled to the terminal size:


[schwarzgerat](0) $ ./notcurses-demo -p ../data/ x -d0

 notcurses 2.3.4 by nick black et al on Kitty
  70 rows (20px) 80 cols (10px) (87.50KiB) 48B crend 256 colors+RGB
  compiled with gcc-10.2.1 20210110, 16B little-endian cells
  terminfo from ncurses 6.2.20201114
  avformat 58.79.100 avutil 56.74.100 swscale 5.10.100

490 renders, 72.00ms (81.60µs min, 146.94µs avg, 202.88µs max)
490 rasters, 30.39ms (26.76µs min, 62.02µs avg, 74.57µs max)
490 writes, 9.46s (22.94µs min, 19.30ms avg, 40.38ms max)
892.36MiB (25B min, 1.82MiB avg, 1.84MiB max)
0 failed renders, 0 failed rasters, 0 refreshes
RGB emits:elides: def 950:106400 fg 6894:104161 bg 883:7785
Cell emits:elides: 116018/5371982 (97.89%) 99.12% 93.79% 89.81%
Sprixel emits:elides: 486/0 (0.00%)

             runtime│ frames│output(B)│    FPS│%r│%a│%w│TheoFPS║
 1│    xray│  16.07s│    486│ 892.35Mi│   30.2│ 0│ 0│58│  50.83║
              16.07s│    486│ 892.35Mi│
[schwarzgerat](0) $ 


[schwarzgerat](0) $ ./notcurses-demo -p ../data/ x -d0

 notcurses 2.3.4 by nick black et al on Alacritty
  70 rows (20px) 80 cols (10px) (87.50KiB) 48B crend 256 colors+RGB
  compiled with gcc-10.2.1 20210110, 16B little-endian cells
  terminfo from ncurses 6.2.20201114
  avformat 58.79.100 avutil 56.74.100 swscale 5.10.100

490 renders, 63.35ms (68.76µs min, 129.28µs avg, 228.41µs max)
490 rasters, 27.58ms (22.51µs min, 56.28µs avg, 115.39µs max)
490 writes, 457.11ms (20.04µs min, 932.87µs avg, 2.63ms max)
18.44MiB (25B min, 38.54KiB avg, 83.46KiB max)
0 failed renders, 0 failed rasters, 0 refreshes
RGB emits:elides: def 956:106394 fg 6919:104274 bg 911:7895
Cell emits:elides: 116156/5371844 (97.88%) 99.11% 93.78% 89.65%
Sprixel emits:elides: 486/0 (0.00%)

             runtime│ frames│output(B)│    FPS│%r│%a│%w│TheoFPS║
 1│    xray│  16.37s│    486│  18.44Mi│   29.7│ 0│ 0│ 2│ 887.90║
              16.37s│    486│  18.44Mi│
[schwarzgerat](0) $

Note that the Alacritty notcurses-demo was idle 98% of the time, while the Kitty one was idle 41% of the time. This is directly due to the 874MB transmitted to Kitty that wasn't sent to Alacritty; we sent Kitty almost 50x(!) the total amount of data, due to chunked, Base64-encoded, RGBA data as opposed to raw palette-indexed data with elided transparent pixels. Note that the Notcurses sixel implementation derives an entirely new palette for each frame of multiframe data.

The source video is about 1MB:

[schwarzgerat](0) $ ffprobe ../data/notcursesIII.mkv 
ffprobe version N-102049-gcc7943e803 Copyright (c) 2007-2021 the FFmpeg developers
  built with gcc 10 (Debian 10.2.1-6)
  libavutil      56. 74.100 / 56. 74.100
  libavcodec     58.137.100 / 58.137.100
  libavformat    58. 79.100 / 58. 79.100
  libavdevice    58. 14.100 / 58. 14.100
  libavfilter     7.111.100 /  7.111.100
  libswscale      5. 10.100 /  5. 10.100
  libswresample   3. 10.100 /  3. 10.100
Input #0, matroska,webm, from '../data/notcursesIII.mkv':
    title           : Untitled Project
    creation_time   : 2021-03-20T16:07:17.000000Z
    ENCODER         : Lavf58.45.100
  Duration: 00:00:16.92, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 495 kb/s
  Stream #0:0: Video: hevc (Main), yuv420p(tv, bt709), 1920x1080 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 30 fps, 30 tbr, 1k tbn, 30 tbc (default)
      DURATION        : 00:00:16.911000000
  Stream #0:1: Audio: aac (LC), 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp (default)
      title           : Stereo
      DURATION        : 00:00:16.922000000
[schwarzgerat](0) $ 

so we have a 1920x1080 video at 1MB, becoming 18MB on a 800x1417 Alacritty, becoming 892MB on a 809x1417 Kitty.

I find this kinda disgusting, and would very much like to see it come down.

The most effective way to transmit visual data is of course using the advanced compression schemes of image-specific formats. So it's great that we're supporting containerized data, to be decoded by the terminal. I'd like to see a focus on WebP over PNG, but whatever. With WebP, we get a format that works well for both PNG-style and JPEG-style data, with transparency and other useful features. But that's neither here nor there.

Sometimes raw data is important, especially when modifying input data on the fly, and it would be desirable to transmit this in as little space as possible. This was probably the major focus of my STEGAP proposal.

Is avoiding C1 truly necessary, especially when this is a payload, especially when the size is transmitted, especially when we're in UTF8 mode anyway? It seems to be that this protocol is a sufficiently large endeavor that one's state machine can take a small tweak. If we can stomp on everything but 0x1B, we can get close to no overhead (see link). If we can stomp on 0x1B, that's even better.

Another issue I'd like to bring up is a bit unorthodox, and maybe this isn't important if we have a sufficient z-indexing/layering story: rather than using pure row-major order across the entirety of the graphic, it would be convenient for me (and maybe for terminal authors) to transmit row-major order within a cell's area. I.e. if the cell-pixel geometry is 20 tall, 10 wide, and i have a graphic that is 50 tall and 20 wide, i'd like to transmit:

  • 20 rows of 10 pixels (0, 0) - (9, 19)
  • 20 rows of 10 pixels (10, 0) - (19, 19)
  • 20 rows of 10 pixels (0, 20) - (9, 39)
  • 20 rows of 10 pixels (10, 20) - (19, 39)
  • 10 rows of 10 pixels (0, 40) - (9, 49)
  • 10 rows of 10 pixels (10, 40) - (19, 49)

why? because here's my methodology:

  • get input and convert it to a standalone RGBA matrix (ncvisual_from_*())
  • optionally scale the RGBA (ncvisual_render())
  • march through row-major image
    • at each pixel, determine what cell we're in
    • look at TAM (transparency-annihilation matrix) to see if our cell is "cut out"
    • if we're cut out, encode a 0 alpha / transparent pixel in this pixel's place
    • encode to kitty/sixel (row-major byte stream; indexing into this byte stream is complex)
  • at some point later, this glyph is written out ("rasterized") as part of a frame

now, maybe in the next frame, i have a cell i need cut out from the graphic (again, z-indexing/layering can let me work around the need to do so). if i have a row-major byte stream (or even worse, a row-major sixel stream), this is something of an ungodly mess. i mean, i can do it--i have code to do it--but it's a ton of in-place editing and mangling:

if i was transmitting cell-major, and then row-major within that, i could blast or rebuild one region at a time. given that we've already encoded to an arbitrary byte stream at this point, we needn't worry about what would otherwise be cache-suboptimal behavior (if we encode to cell-major, we work cell-major).


tl;dr: base64 encoding our RGBA is not free, not one bit

Just to see how graphics tend to dominate TUI bandwidth, even when lightly used, here's full sample output from notcurses-demo. The only demos making extensive use of bitmaps are xray, view, and yield:


[schwarzgerat](0) $ ./notcurses-demo -p ../data/ -d0

 notcurses 2.3.4 by nick black et al on Alacritty
  70 rows (20px) 80 cols (10px) (87.50KiB) 48B crend 256 colors+RGB
  compiled with gcc-10.2.1 20210110, 16B little-endian cells
  terminfo from ncurses 6.2.20201114
  avformat 58.79.100 avutil 56.74.100 swscale 5.10.100

9747 renders, 1.20s (68.52µs min, 122.78µs avg, 23.15ms max)
9747 rasters, 363.70ms (22.44µs min, 37.31µs avg, 137.04µs max)
9747 writes, 11.43s (19.55µs min, 1.17ms avg, 58.39ms max)
412.90MiB (12B min, 43.38KiB avg, 1.02MiB max)
0 failed renders, 0 failed rasters, 14 refreshes
RGB emits:elides: def 59919:771879 fg 7130908:4164985 bg 8410862:2598805
Cell emits:elides: 11825686/97022661 (89.14%) 92.80% 36.87% 23.60%
Sprixel emits:elides: 1991/130 (6.13%)

             runtime│ frames│output(B)│    FPS│%r│%a│%w│TheoFPS║
 1│   intro│193.25ms│     41│   2.57Mi│  212.2│ 5│ 0│51│ 366.55║
 2│    xray│  16.64s│    486│  18.44Mi│   29.2│ 0│ 0│ 2│ 886.44║
 3│   eagle│   1.30s│    159│  14.91Mi│  122.3│ 1│ 0│21│ 513.32║
 4│   trans│  4.42ms│      9│ 156.95Ki│ 2038.3│23│ 6│51│  2.53K║
 5│  normal│118.67ms│    136│   2.85Mi│ 1146.0│14│ 3│38│  2.03K║
 6│  chunli│ 49.30ms│     53│   1.54Mi│ 1075.1│14│ 3│43│  1.78K║
 7│ highcon│603.78ms│   2760│ 677.62Ki│ 4571.2│52│21│10│  5.41K║
 8│  dragon│ 19.23ms│     17│  84.05Ki│  884.2│ 7│ 4│ 6│  4.81K║
 9│mojibake│212.38ms│    471│   9.46Mi│ 2217.7│25│ 7│58│  2.42K║
10│     box│307.04ms│    100│   8.85Mi│  325.7│17│ 1│64│ 392.56║
11│  keller│516.82ms│     24│   3.32Mi│   46.4│ 3│ 0│32│ 128.44║
12│   yield│  23.53s│    209│  58.35Mi│    8.9│ 0│ 0│20│  43.55║
13│    grid│   1.94s│    768│ 126.93Mi│  396.8│ 4│ 0│81│ 459.38║
14│ animate│421.20ms│   1668│   2.78Mi│ 3960.1│42│12│14│  5.71K║
15│    reel│  5.49ms│      1│  85.93Ki│  182.2│ 2│ 0│36│ 460.72║
16│whiteout│  9.03ms│     14│ 122.18Ki│ 1550.6│18│ 5│19│  3.55K║
17│uniblock│ 29.01ms│     70│ 870.82Ki│ 2413.0│27│ 9│23│  4.07K║
18│    view│  12.57s│    753│ 119.95Mi│   59.9│ 0│ 0│23│ 245.28║
19│   luigi│ 42.09ms│    113│   1.73Mi│ 2684.8│31│ 8│45│  3.16K║
20│ sliders│ 45.84ms│    201│ 489.23Ki│ 4384.7│50│13│17│  5.40K║
21│ fallin'│118.74ms│    415│   2.41Mi│ 3495.1│42│10│24│  4.47K║
22│  jungle│ 38.81ms│      4│ 104.75Ki│  103.1│ 1│ 0│11│ 750.61║
23│  qrcode│   1.28s│   1024│  18.30Mi│  799.6│ 8│ 2│17│  2.81K║
24│     zoo│  8.42ms│      3│ 170.70Ki│  356.5│ 4│ 1│34│ 879.41║
25│   outro│   3.31s│    244│  17.81Mi│   73.6│ 0│ 0│10│ 647.73║
              63.31s│   9743│ 412.89Mi│
[schwarzgerat](0) $

these three demos were responsible for ~48% of the bytes, but only 14.7% of the frames.


[schwarzgerat](0) $ ./notcurses-demo -p ../data/ -d0

 notcurses 2.3.4 by nick black et al on Kitty
  70 rows (20px) 80 cols (10px) (87.50KiB) 48B crend 256 colors+RGB
  compiled with gcc-10.2.1 20210110, 16B little-endian cells
  terminfo from ncurses 6.2.20201114
  avformat 58.79.100 avutil 56.74.100 swscale 5.10.100

9745 renders, 1.17s (69.03µs min, 120.19µs avg, 1.75ms max)
9745 rasters, 392.57ms (22.50µs min, 40.28µs avg, 125.58µs max)
9745 writes, 19.99s (20.08µs min, 2.05ms avg, 179.71ms max)
1.90GiB (6B min, 204.64KiB avg, 5.55MiB max)
0 failed renders, 0 failed rasters, 14 refreshes
RGB emits:elides: def 60562:765349 fg 7365396:4020342 bg 8275773:2814661
Cell emits:elides: 11901150/96871498 (89.06%) 92.67% 35.31% 25.38%
Sprixel emits:elides: 1654/124 (6.97%)

             runtime│ frames│output(B)│    FPS│%r│%a│%w│TheoFPS║
 1│   intro│240.41ms│     41│  12.64Mi│  170.5│ 3│ 0│83│ 194.84║
 2│    xray│  16.53s│    486│ 892.36Mi│   29.4│ 0│ 0│56│  51.77║
 3│   eagle│   1.14s│    159│  14.83Mi│  139.3│ 1│ 0│11│  1.03K║
 4│   trans│  5.20ms│      9│ 146.03Ki│ 1729.4│19│ 5│56│  2.11K║
 5│  normal│128.03ms│    136│   2.87Mi│ 1062.3│13│ 3│39│  1.86K║
 6│  chunli│ 54.96ms│     53│   1.54Mi│  964.3│12│ 3│49│  1.48K║
 7│ highcon│605.88ms│   2760│ 665.68Ki│ 4555.4│51│22│10│  5.39K║
 8│  dragon│ 24.71ms│     17│  86.11Ki│  688.1│ 5│ 3│ 4│  5.21K║
 9│mojibake│485.05ms│    471│   9.75Mi│  971.0│12│ 3│79│  1.01K║
10│     box│490.91ms│    100│  28.29Mi│  203.7│ 3│ 0│83│ 231.49║
11│  keller│263.80ms│     24│  11.02Mi│   91.0│ 1│ 0│48│ 181.65║
12│   yield│   8.77s│    197│ 549.28Mi│   22.5│ 0│ 0│57│  38.59║
13│    grid│   2.55s│    768│ 127.00Mi│  300.6│ 4│ 0│81│ 346.48║
14│ animate│440.58ms│   1668│   2.78Mi│ 3785.9│41│12│16│  5.32K║
15│    reel│  4.16ms│      1│  85.64Ki│  240.2│ 3│ 0│13│  1.40K║
16│whiteout│ 11.28ms│     14│ 123.10Ki│ 1240.9│14│ 4│36│  2.24K║
17│uniblock│ 28.95ms│     70│ 890.58Ki│ 2417.6│26│ 8│24│  4.00K║
18│    view│  10.78s│    753│ 251.32Mi│   69.9│ 0│ 0│14│ 443.48║
19│   luigi│ 60.38ms│    113│   1.76Mi│ 1871.6│23│ 6│47│  2.41K║
20│ sliders│ 49.50ms│    201│ 487.45Ki│ 4060.6│46│13│23│  4.91K║
21│ fallin'│142.52ms│    425│   2.47Mi│ 2982.1│36│ 9│30│  3.85K║
22│  jungle│ 37.45ms│      4│ 104.42Ki│  106.8│ 1│ 0│ 7│  1.13K║
23│  qrcode│   1.31s│   1024│  18.36Mi│  783.5│ 8│ 2│19│  2.61K║
24│     zoo│ 13.05ms│      3│ 171.83Ki│  230.0│ 2│ 0│ 8│  1.95K║
25│   outro│   4.07s│    244│  18.53Mi│   60.0│ 0│ 0│ 3│  1.31K║
              48.23s│   9741│   1.90Gi│
[schwarzgerat](0) $ 

here, these three demos accounted for 89%(!) of transmitted bytes, but only 14.7% of the frames.

i hope that this demonstrates the value of cutting down image bytes.


I actually had something similar in mind, in the spirit of HTTP's Transport-Encoding header that supports at least Base64,
but i'm not against suporting more (just not too many).

so we have a 1920x1080 video at 1MB, becoming 18MB on a 800x1417 Alacritty, becoming 892MB on a 809x1417 Kitty.

I thought Alacritty does not support images?

The stats from my computer and with my TE (Sixel) added to it (/notcurses-demo -p ../data/ x -d0):

 notcurses 2.2.8 by nick black et al on xterm-kitty
  41 rows (49px) 160 cols (24px) (102.50KiB) 48B crend 256 colors+RGB
  compiled with gcc-10.2.0, 16B little-endian cells
  terminfo from ncurses 6.2.20200212
  avformat 58.45.100 avutil 56.51.100 swscale 5.7.100

488 renders, 75.13ms (120.25µs min, 153.96µs avg, 12.60ms max)
488 rasters, 29.90ms (27.82µs min, 61.28µs avg, 78.10µs max)
488 writes, 193.97s (110.43µs min, 397.47ms avg, 516.29ms max)
17.39GiB (8.21KiB min, 36.50MiB avg, 36.57MiB max)
0 failed renders, 0 failed writes, 0 refreshes
RGB emits:elides: def 113:232139 fg 10089:227393 bg 854:8854
Cell emits:elides: 241960/6157463 (96.22%) 99.95% 95.75% 91.20%

             runtime│ frames│output(B)│    FPS│%r│%a│%w│TheoFPS║
 1│    xray│ 315.29s│    487│  17.39Gi│    1.5│ 0│ 0│61│   2.51║
             315.29s│    487│  17.39Gi│

 notcurses 2.2.8 by nick black et al on xterm-256color
  49 rows (41px) 190 cols (20px) (145.47KiB) 48B crend 256 colors+RGB
  compiled with gcc-10.2.0, 16B little-endian cells
  terminfo from ncurses 6.2.20200212
  avformat 58.45.100 avutil 56.51.100 swscale 5.7.100

488 renders, 69.35ms (126.21µs min, 142.10µs avg, 322.85µs max)
488 rasters, 46.49ms (40.56µs min, 95.26µs avg, 140.48µs max)
488 writes, 2.26s (75.06µs min, 4.64ms avg, 13.47ms max)
20.40MiB (1.72KiB min, 42.80KiB avg, 101.01KiB max)
0 failed renders, 0 failed writes, 0 refreshes
RGB emits:elides: def 629:277490 fg 11017:272247 bg 969:11470
Cell emits:elides: 290558/8891650 (96.84%) 99.77% 96.11% 92.21%

             runtime│ frames│output(B)│    FPS│%r│%a│%w│TheoFPS║
 1│    xray│  12.10s│    487│  20.39Mi│   40.2│ 0│ 0│18│ 204.62║
              12.10s│    487│  20.39Mi│
 notcurses 2.2.8 by nick black et al on alacritty
  47 rows (42px) 174 cols (22px) (127.78KiB) 48B crend 256 colors+RGB
  compiled with gcc-10.2.0, 16B little-endian cells
  terminfo from ncurses 6.2.20200212
  avformat 58.45.100 avutil 56.51.100 swscale 5.7.100

488 renders, 69.70ms (134.24µs min, 142.82µs avg, 222.47µs max)
488 rasters, 37.54ms (34.48µs min, 76.92µs avg, 93.50µs max)
488 writes, 111.22ms (67.53µs min, 227.90µs avg, 1.24ms max)
9.14MiB (1.70KiB min, 19.18KiB avg, 59.60KiB max)
0 failed renders, 0 failed writes, 0 refreshes
RGB emits:elides: def 25213:306830 fg 253311:275190 bg 188527:26601
Cell emits:elides: 547171/7434557 (93.14%) 92.41% 52.07% 12.37%

             runtime│ frames│output(B)│    FPS│%r│%a│%w│TheoFPS║
 1│    xray│   5.60s│    487│   9.13Mi│   87.0│ 1│ 0│ 1│  2.23K║
               5.60s│    487│   9.13Mi│

I have really no clue why Kitty was so infinitely slow compared to the rest. But then I noticed it was also transporting 1.7 GB data for that one test. I don't know why the timing and size numbers differ that much though.

Is avoiding C1 truly necessary, especially when this is a payload, especially when the size is transmitted, especially when we're in UTF8 mode anyway?

Some parser do still parse C1. But C1 in UTF-8 mode is a 2-byte sequence that does not look like an 8-bit C1 anymore. However, I doubt we change tell most of the TE devs to stop accepting C1's. Iff at all, then via mode switches. I doubt that will be realistic either. :)

It seems to be that this protocol is a sufficiently large endeavor that one's state machine can take a small tweak.

Agreed on tweaks, but with regards to size. I hope it will not get much larger but instead improve on wording, of course some semantic tweaks, and surely adding TE does make sense to me, too. Adding Z-axis on top would make it even larger then (I think the latter will be a research topic for quite some more days/weeks before I can write something down based on the discussions we will have and had).

If we can stomp on everything but 0x1B, we can get close to no overhead (see link). If we can stomp on 0x1B, that's even better.

ESC (0x1b, 27) starts a new control sequence, terminating any ongoing one. This is necessary to conform to widespread existing behavior, but it is unfortunate, as it means we can't blithely write arbitrary bytes

the latter is a quote from your link. I think that will be even impossible. What about broken or suddenly disconnected clients. How does the TE recover conveniently. While I agree that terminating (and embedded) sequences are the reason why we're talking here at all, I doubt this will be ever accepted.

[...] it would be convenient for me (and maybe for terminal authors) to transmit row-major order within a cell's area

Oh, I am not sure I do understand correctly. If I do, I think the client must know the cell pixel dimensions, so the client can (literally) pixel-perfect update single stitched cells. That goes directly against the design requirements (notion of pixels). Again, I'm not sure I did understand right. But if you intent do render rerender a single cell of an image you have previously put into (X, Y)+(W, H) you can not be sure what pixels exactly end up in each cell (due to font metrics, maybe having multiple terminal frontends connected to the same terminal session, each with different font metrics).
If you intend to repaint a single cell, or sub-region of your previously uploaded/painted image, the RenderImage(imageID, x, y, w, h, sx, sy, ...) (VT sequence, it's just sketch-code) should be used to let it repaint. Again, that's mock-up code. but imaging (x,y) being the grid-cell offsets into the already rasterized image behind imageID and (w,h) the number of grid cells to render of this rasterized image. that sub-image will be put into screen cell coordinates (sx, sy). I think this way you do not need to transport any pixels for rerender (by supporting rendering only tiles of an uploaded image). (hm , again so much text, but is it comprehensible what I am writing? - also, I realize I must be more explicit in the spec, will do).

i have a cell i need cut out from the graphic (again, z-indexing/layering can let me work around the need to do so)

I am not sure I get you on the first part (cutting out an image from the graphic), but how can layered images help here, and why the above explained rendering of tiles of an uploaded image not help? :)

tl;dr: base64 encoding our RGBA is not free, not one bit

It is exactly 33% overhead in space. Other transport encodings could be added (or even as extension added later) to lower the encoding overhead. Egmont gives nice examples in the his good-image-protocol TWG post on how that could be lowered without doing too much rocket science.

i hope that this demonstrates the value of cutting down image bytes.

I think one cannot compare pixel-image transfer vs unicode-block rendered images. But just looking at Kitty-transmitted-bytes vs Sixel-transmitted-bytes I start to feel that the Sixel way to transport pixels is quite efficient (in other words: why the hex is the former protocol so slow/inefficient?).

p.s.: We don't have to come up with a perfect encoding in day-1 anyways. The size problem should only most relevant when transferring raw RGB/RGBA data as PNG/WebP do have its own compression, which in turn must be transfer-encoded. So I think it is safe to add that option to the UploadImage(...) command and let it default to Base64 so that images can still be easily uploaded and rendered by shell-script like clients.

when i refer to alacritty, i refer to the most recent @ayosec/graphics fork+branch:

good feedback as always.

I have really no clue why Kitty was so infinitely slow compared to the rest. But then I noticed it was also transporting 1.7 GB data for that one test. I don't know why the timing and size numbers differ that much though.

well, it was sending almost exactly 1000x as much data as the contour test: 17.39GiB vs 20.39MiB. and indeed, that appears to pretty much linearly track data sent.

Some parser do still parse C1. But C1 in UTF-8 mode is a 2-byte sequence that does not look like an 8-bit C1 anymore. However, I doubt we change tell most of the TE devs to stop accepting C1's. Iff at all, then via mode switches. I doubt that will be realistic either. :)

well, we needn't change "every terminal" -- this would only show up in terminals supporting this protocol. not vomiting up upon seeing such a C1 would be part of supporting the protocol. if they don't advertise support, these graphics aren't being generated. right?

the latter is a quote from your link. I think that will be even impossible. What about broken or suddenly disconnected clients. How does the TE recover conveniently. While I agree that terminating (and embedded) sequences are the reason why we're talking here at all, I doubt this will be ever accepted.

hah, in kitty it doesn't: dankamongmen/notcurses#1416

an interrupted graphic hangs the terminal, requiring a reset (shift+ctrl+delete).

sol i agree that ESC is pretty important, starting as it does CSI and DCS and probably others. hence why i included that wart in my encoding. but the others? do we really need their capabilities, as well?

Oh, I am not sure I do understand correctly. If I do, I think the client must know the cell pixel dimensions, so the client can

oh, absolutely. this proves necessary for just about anything. try writing some real text+bitmap code if you don't think so. you'll run into the problems very quickly. termios(4) ioctl(2)s are absolutely critical -- if your ioctl(2) for getting screen geometry doesn't fill in the cell pixel fields, i don't use bitmaps with your terminal.

i have a cell i need cut out from the graphic (again, z-indexing/layering can let me work around the need to do so)
I am not sure I get you on the first part (cutting out an image from the graphic), but how can layered images help here, and why the above explained rendering of tiles of an uploaded image not help? :)

i'll answer this in another comment, as it's orthogonal to encoding.

It is exactly 33% overhead in space. Other transport encodings could be added (or even as extension added later) to lower the encoding overhead. Egmont gives nice examples in the his good-image-protocol TWG post on how that could be lowered without doing too much rocket science.

i'm aware it's 33% of space. =] when i am told i must pay 33% taxes, that gets me pretty unhappy.

given the (postulated, not proven) near-linear relation of data and time in the large, that's 33% more latency. 33% more bandwidth. when you're over a 100ms ssh, that will be very, very serious.

I think one cannot compare pixel-image transfer vs unicode-block rendered images. But just looking at Kitty-transmitted-bytes vs Sixel-transmitted-bytes I start to feel that the Sixel way to transport pixels is quite efficient (in other words: why the hex is the former protocol so slow/inefficient?).

because sixel is:

  • allowing transparent pixels to be elided, and that video is largely transparent
  • palette-based (less color fidelity)

if i sent a PNG to kitty, it would be much, much less data, but i'd have to encode it up etc.

p.s.: We don't have to come up with a perfect encoding in day-1 anyways. The size problem should only most relevant when transferring raw RGB/RGBA data as PNG/WebP do have its own compression, which in turn must be transfer-encoded. So I think it is safe to add that option to the UploadImage(...) command and let it default to Base64 so that images can still be easily uploaded and rendered by shell-script like clients.

yep, as said, the best compression is going to come from real image containers. but as otherwise noted, i sometimes need work with the raw pixel data, and converting that back to PNG/WebP is something i'd like to avoid if reasonable.