
Is development dead? Zero commits since The Guild announced Yoga 2.

miloofcroton opened this issue · 1 comments

I just want to know so I pick a library that will be supported moving forward.

Hey there @miloofcroton. Our strategy for moving on with GraphQL Helix is describe in our GraphQL Yoga v3 roadmap.

As the original maintainer of graphql-helix gave us all the control over the further development and maintenance over this library, we slowly recognised that this library diverged a bit with what we wanted to achieve (a fully modular low level set of utility functions for building GraphQL servers that is platform independent). As we did not want to fundamentally change the library we decided to iterate on a new approach within GraphQL Yoga and later on extract the solution we have in mind into a standalone „low-level“ request handler package that can be used as a helix replacement without pulling in the whole GraphQL Yoga.

We know that still a lot of people are using GraphQL Helix and we are happy to review and merge community contributions as well as help out on critical issues. As we finish our new solution we will provide migration paths and a more detailed breakdown on the situation.

Is there anything specific you have in mind that is urgent and needs to be resolved @miloofcroton? In our opinion helix is feature-complete.

I am aware of these two issues and I will resolve these as well as release a new version by tomorrow.