
ssl cert upgrade before June 1

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Update your client software to continue using Let's Encrypt


According to our records, the software client you're using to get Let's
Encrypt TLS/SSL certificates issued or renewed at least one HTTPS certificate
in the past two weeks using the ACMEv1 protocol. 


Beginning June 1, 2020, we will stop allowing new domains to validate using
the ACMEv1 protocol. You should upgrade to an ACMEv2 compatible client before
then, or certificate issuance will fail. For most people, simply upgrading to
the latest version of your existing client will suffice. You can view the
client list at:

(more info in the email)

  • uninstalled apt packaged certbot
  • installed /usr/local/bin/certbot-auto using the wget/generic-unix method, since this unix is getting old
  • updated /etc/cron.d/certbot

Tried hard to verify that it ran okay, know cron.