
Update IntelliJ IDEA section

Closed this issue · 4 comments

IntelliJ IDEA table entry should be updated as following:

  • Linting: supported by plugin
  • Code Formatting: supported by plugin
  • Debugging: ✔³ supported by plugin when using CLion

I would also suggest that under important packages section for Intellij, the intellij-rust link be updated to its homepage:

Thanks for the input!
I added the debugging-check mark without 3, but added a comment to the text box below. As in the FAQ debugging is said to be preliminarily supported (and the disussion also makes that impression), I also mentioned it like this for now.

@contradictioned The discussion on the intellij-rust issue for debugging support now makes it clear that debugging will probably never come to IDEA, so it may be worth listing IDEA and CLion in separate rows. (I'd say just list CLion instead of IDEA, but it doesn't actually have a community edition, so that's not really a viable solution. Sigh.)

FWIW, if your work is open source, you can apply for a free CLion license:

I realize this is not the same as a community edition though.

@johnthagen Thanks! For the purpose of areweideyet, though, I think it's important not to make such assumptions about users.