
Visual Studio Code should have its own section separate to Visual Studio?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Also maybe link to the second gen rust IDE:

Pfeil commented

For me, there are already separate rows in the table for VS Code and for Visual Studio. So I don't actually understand to what exactly you are referring to.

Since rust-analyzer in general seems to be far from production ready, I personally would not list it with the rls plugins yet, but it could be mentioned somewhere so it gets some attention.

Pfeil commented

That was just a personal opinion, I do not have influence in how things are done on this site ;)
When I read about rust analyzer I was happy to see that there are people working on a better solution, although the RLS is working pretty ok for my use cases.

Can you explain what you tried to describe with the issues title?

Hey, yeah VS Code and Visual Studio are quite clearly separated in the editor and the IDE section.

I have thought about making an extra box about the non-editor part of the ecosystem (clippy, rls, ...) maybe this would be the place for rust-analyzer. But for now, I don't see how rust-analyzer could directly be useful for rust users.