contributte/gopay ssl certificate expired

Closed this issue · 11 comments

hantc commented


gopay few months ago switched testing server to new url: is no longer valid.

More info below:

Dobrý den,

URL adresa testovacího prostředí ve formátu "" přestala být funkční

počínaje minulým týdnem, kdy na evedené doméně vypršela životnost SSL certifikátu.

Veřejně již prezentujeme dokumentaci pouze k aktuální verzi platební brány pomocí REST API

a to na webu Tato dokumentace je dostupná od roku 2015.


f3l1x commented

Hi. Thanks. Would you mind to prepare PR for this change please?

hantc commented

I'll try to, it would be my first github PR ever, so be tolerant, please :)

hantc commented

I found out, it's a change in another repo - my MR is here:

But as I can see, there is a guy who solved it 3 days ago:

f3l1x commented

Could you please test it with gopay-api with latest changes?

hantc commented

Honestly, I'm not able to download it via composer. Even specific commit:

"markette/gopay": "dev-master#69fa440a4c9ce95844bf86a18d94a7191ca5152c",


- Installing ←[32mmarkette/gopay←[39m (←[33mdev-master 69fa440←[39m): Cloning 69fa440a4c
    ←[30;43m69fa440a4c9ce95844bf86a18d94a7191ca5152c is gone (history was rewritten?)←[39;49m
    ←[30;43mFailed to download markette/gopay from source: Failed to execute git checkout "69fa440a4c9ce95844bf86a18d94a7191ca5152c" -- && g
it reset --hard "69fa440a4c9ce95844bf86a18d94a7191ca5152c" --

fatal: reference is not a tree: 69fa440a4c9ce95844bf86a18d94a7191ca5152c
    ←[30;43mNow trying to download from dist←[39;49m
  - Installing ←[32mmarkette/gopay←[39m (←[33mdev-master 69fa440←[39m): DownloadinDownloadinDownloading (←[37;41mfailed←[39;49m)
←[37;41m  [Composer\Downloader\TransportException]
←[37;41m  The "" file could not be downloaded (H
TTP/1  ←[39;49m
←[37;41m  .1 302 Found)

Any ideas?

f3l1x commented

You've been trying to download markette/gopay, but the change was in markette/gopay-api. ;-) Keep your markette/gopay as it and append markette/gopay-api with commit reference.

Hello, can I ask how to resolve this problem?
I have markette/gopay in version ^3.1 and I would like to update markette/gopay-api to fix commit with this updates:

"markette/gopay-api": "dev-master#69fa440a4c9ce95844bf86a18d94a7191ca5152c"

But composer has problem with dependecies and I don't know how to resolve it.

Thx for help

Problem 1
- markette/gopay v3.1.1 requires markette/gopay-api ^2.5.3 -> satisfiable by markette/gopay-api[v2.5.x-dev].
- markette/gopay v3.1.0 requires markette/gopay-api ^2.5.1 -> satisfiable by markette/gopay-api[v2.5.x-dev].
- markette/gopay v3.1.1 requires markette/gopay-api ^2.5.3 -> satisfiable by markette/gopay-api[v2.5.x-dev].
- Can only install one of: markette/gopay-api[v2.5.x-dev, dev-master].
- Installation request for markette/gopay-api dev-master#69fa440a4c9ce95844bf86a18d94a7191ca5152c -> satisfiable by markette/gopay-api[dev-master].
- Installation request for markette/gopay ^3.1 -> satisfiable by markette/gopay[v3.1.0, v3.1.1].

f3l1x commented

Well, it seems commit with change is in master and not in 2.5.x branch.

Could you try in the meanwhile this please? I'll try to backport it to 2.5.x.

    "require": {
        "markette/gopay": "^3.1",
        "markette/gopay-api": "3.0.0 as 2.5.3"
f3l1x commented

@hantc @zvitek It's also in 2.5.x branch.


You should change it to gopay-api: 2.5.x-dev or specify commit.

@f3l1x It works very well! Thx for fast resolve!

f3l1x commented

I think we can close it. Thank you guys. @zvitek @hantc