
conventional-commits-parser: the commit parser shouldn't consider URLs with an anchor as a reference

tehraninasab opened this issue · 0 comments

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

Run the parser against a commit message like

foo: this is a title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus
pellentesque feugiat volutpat [1]. Suspendisse potenti. Sed eu 
suscipit diam [2]. Nullam tincidunt erat dapibus mi dignissim, vel
lacinia mauris suscipit. Integer in [3].


Current Behavior

The body field of the parsed object becomes:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus
pellentesque feugiat volutpat [1]. Suspendisse potenti. Sed eu 
suscipit diam [2]. Nullam tincidunt erat dapibus mi dignissim, vel
lacinia mauris suscipit. Integer in [3].


And the following line ends up in the references field of the parsed object:


Expected Behavior

A URL with an anchor shouldn't be considered a reference.

Affected packages

  • cli
  • core
  • prompt
  • config-angular

Your Environment

Executable Version
git --version 2.34.1
node --version v18.16.0