
TypeError: createPreset is not a function

Luvooda opened this issue · 2 comments


I don't know if I missed something with the last update 8.0.0, but when running the following command

conventional-recommended-bump --preset angular

I get the error: TypeError: createPreset is not a function

From my investigation it comes from:

return params
? await createPreset(params)
: await createPreset()

It looks like createPreset is not a function, but a string with the template.

Any idea ?

@Luvooda Hi. You also should use latest version of preset.

I was on the good version for the preset package.
But it seems that my project is resolving the wrong version for the package conventional-changelog-angular (6.0.0 instead of 7.0.0).

So the problem probably comes from my project.
I should have taken a better look.
Thank you for your help.