
My configuration seems to be correct, but the null value check is thrown

vxhly opened this issue · 0 comments

I configured it as follows according to the sample provided on the official website:


module.exports = {
   * Resolve and load @commitlint/config-conventional from node_modules.
   * Referenced packages must be installed
  extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional'],
   * Resolve and load conventional-changelog-atom from node_modules.
   * Referenced packages must be installed
  parserPreset: 'conventional-changelog-atom',
   * Resolve and load @commitlint/format from node_modules.
   * Referenced package must be installed
  formatter: '@commitlint/format',
   * Array of functions that return true if commitlint should ignore the given message.
   * Given array is merged with predefined functions, which consist of matchers like:
   * - 'Merge pull request', 'Merge X into Y' or 'Merge branch X'
   * - 'Revert X'
   * - 'v1.2.3' (ie semver matcher)
   * - 'Automatic merge X' or 'Auto-merged X into Y'
   * To see full list, check
   * To disable those ignores and run rules always, set `defaultIgnores: false` as shown below.
  ignores: [commit => commit === ''],
   * Whether commitlint uses the default ignore rules, see the description above.
  defaultIgnores: true,
   * Custom URL to show upon failure
  helpUrl: ''

Additionally, I also configured cz-git


module.exports = {
  messages: {
    type: "Select the type of change that you're committing:",
    scope: 'Denote the SCOPE of this change (optional):',
    customScope: 'Denote the SCOPE of this change:',
    subject: 'Write a SHORT, IMPERATIVE tense description of the change:\n',
    body: 'Provide a LONGER description of the change (optional). Use "|" to break new line:\n',
    breaking: 'List any BREAKING CHANGES (optional). Use "|" to break new line:\n',
    footerPrefixesSelect: 'Select the ISSUES type of changeList by this change (optional):',
    customFooterPrefix: 'Input ISSUES prefix:',
    footer: 'List any ISSUES by this change. E.g.: #31, #34:\n',
    generatingByAI: 'Generating your AI commit subject...',
    generatedSelectByAI: 'Select suitable subject by AI generated:',
    confirmCommit: 'Are you sure you want to proceed with the commit above?'
  types: [
    { value: 'feat', name: 'feat:     ✨  A new feature', emoji: ':sparkles:' },
    { value: 'fix', name: 'fix:      🐛  A bug fix', emoji: ':bug:' },
    { value: 'docs', name: 'docs:     📝  Documentation only changes', emoji: ':memo:' },
    { value: 'style', name: 'style:    💄  Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code', emoji: ':lipstick:' },
      value: 'refactor',
      name: 'refactor: ♻️   A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature',
      emoji: ':recycle:'
    { value: 'perf', name: 'perf:     ⚡️  A code change that improves performance', emoji: ':zap:' },
      value: 'test',
      name: 'test:     ✅  Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests',
      emoji: ':white_check_mark:'
      value: 'build',
      name: 'build:    📦️   Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies',
      emoji: ':package:'
    { value: 'ci', name: 'ci:       🎡  Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts', emoji: ':ferris_wheel:' },
    { value: 'chore', name: "chore:    🔨  Other changes that don't modify src or test files", emoji: ':hammer:' },
    { value: 'revert', name: 'revert:   ⏪️  Reverts a previous commit', emoji: ':rewind:' }
  useEmoji: true,
  emojiAlign: 'center',
  useAI: false,
  aiNumber: 1,
  themeColorCode: '',
  scopes: [],
  allowCustomScopes: true,
  allowEmptyScopes: true,
  customScopesAlign: 'bottom',
  customScopesAlias: 'custom',
  emptyScopesAlias: 'empty',
  upperCaseSubject: false,
  markBreakingChangeMode: false,
  allowBreakingChanges: ['feat', 'fix'],
  breaklineNumber: 100,
  breaklineChar: '|',
  skipQuestions: [],
  issuePrefixes: [{ value: 'closed', name: 'closed:   ISSUES has been processed' }],
  customIssuePrefixAlign: 'top',
  emptyIssuePrefixAlias: 'skip',
  customIssuePrefixAlias: 'custom',
  allowCustomIssuePrefix: true,
  allowEmptyIssuePrefix: true,
  confirmColorize: true,
  maxHeaderLength: Infinity,
  maxSubjectLength: Infinity,
  minSubjectLength: 0,
  scopeOverrides: undefined,
  defaultBody: '',
  defaultIssues: '',
  defaultScope: '',
  defaultSubject: ''

Additionally, I also configured lint-staged and husky


#!/usr/bin/env sh
. "$(dirname -- "$0")/_/"

npx --no -- commitlint --edit ${1} 

I think my configuration is correct, but when I submit, a null value check occurs.


I tried using commitlint directly for verification, still throwing null value verification.


How do I configure it correctly?