
new conventional-recommended-bump release request

Closed this issue · 4 comments

at Nearform we are using an old fork of conventional-changelog-monorepo in order to allow conventional-recommended-bump to use a specific tag version, we built a mr for this , but it looks like our repo is way too old to contribute and it looks like that you guys have added this feature in a recent version of the repo: here.

In order to decomission our fork and rely on the original repo, would you please consider the possibility to release the new version of conventional-recommended-bump ?

Adding @simoneb for visibilty

If I'm not mistaken, the npm package that we're waiting to be published is When it publishes, it should have the feature we're waiting for. At the current time the version is 9.0.0, so theoretically anything newer than that should have the feature.

I'm working on a release

Thanks @dangreen
