
Revert commit is not triggering release version

Closed this issue · 3 comments


I am using the conventionalcommits preset and it seems the revert: lorem ipsum message is not triggering a new release version as you can see on the image below:

Screenshot 2024-05-03 at 18 18 18

It's weird because that's the way the conventional commits documentation suggest you revert a commit.


Do you guys have any insights on this?

@gutofoletto Hi. According to the source code and tests revert commit message should satisfy /^(?:Revert|revert:)\s"?([\s\S]+?)"?\s*This reverts commit (\w*)\./i regexp. Examples:

Revert "feat: default revert format"'

This reverts commit 1234.


revert: feat: custom revert format

This reverts commit 5678.

Feel free to create pull request with modifications.

Thanks @dangreen. Adding the commit description as you suggested worked.
I just think it's weird that it does not follow the suggestion from the conventional commits spec.
Maybe we should add an example to the docs?

@gutofoletto I think most of revert commits are creating automatically, for example by clicking "Revert pull request" on github. I think (I'm not an original developer) that's why this preset doesn't follow conventional commits spec.