
Question: with `conventional-changelog-recommended-bump` v10 how do I provide a custom preset?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

favna commented

Hi there,

Before with v9 of the library it was possible to provide a custom template through options like seen here: However with v10 all these options are gone and only loadPreset is left. How can I ensure that my library can still use the custom preset with v10?

For the most part my custom preset is the same as the angular preset, with the exception that I have provided a breakingHeaderPattern to config.parserOpts so I would also accept a way to use the Angular preset but override that option only.

That said, assuming that would be through classInstanceOfBumper.getPreset / .preset, those are completely untyped in the published bundle of the package so that doesn't help much either

export declare class Bumper {
    private readonly gitClient;
    private preset;
    private whatBump;
    private tagGetter;
    private commitsGetter;
    constructor(cwdOrGitClient?: string | ConventionalGitClient);
    private getLastSemverTag;
    private getCommits;
    private getPreset;

@favna Hi.

new Bumper().commits({}, parserOpts).bump(whatBump)
favna commented

@dangreen And what happened to the lernaPackage

lernaTags: !!options.lernaPackage,
package: options.lernaPackage,
options that were in bump before?


Sorry for blind spots in documentation, I will fix that.

new Bumper()
    path: '...'
  }, parserOpts)
    prefix: packagePrefix(lernaPackage)

bumper.commits(params: GetCommitsParams & Params, parserOptions?: ParserStreamOptions): this

export interface GitLogParams {
* Read commits from specific path.
path?: string | string[]
* Start commits range.
from?: string
* End commits range.
to?: string
* Commits format.
format?: string
* Pattern to filter commits.
ignore?: RegExp
export interface GetCommitsParams extends GitLogParams {
* Enable revert commits filter.
filterReverts?: boolean

bumper.tag(paramsOrTag: GetSemverTagsParams & Params | string): this

export interface GetSemverTagsParams {
* Get semver tags with specific prefix.
prefix?: string | RegExp
* Skip semver tags with unstable versions.
skipUnstable?: boolean
* Clean version from prefix and trash.
clean?: boolean

* Helper to get package tag prefix.
* @param packageName
* @returns Tag prefix.
export function packagePrefix(packageName?: string) {
if (!packageName) {
return /^.+@/
return `${packageName}@`