
bumping to the wrong version

stratoss opened this issue · 5 comments

Describe the bug
After months of normal usage, today standard-version stopped bumping the versions normally. It is trying to bump it from 2.3.0 to 1.0.1.

Current behavior
✔ bumping version in composer.json from 2.3.0 to 1.0.1

Expected behavior
✔ bumping version in composer.json from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1


  • standard-version version(s): 9.3.1
  • Node/npm version: node v16.17.0
  • OS: Debian 11

Possible Solution

Additional context

module.exports = {
	"releaseCommitMessageFormat": "chore(release): {{currentTag}} [ci skip]",
	bumpFiles: [{
		filename: 'composer.json',
		type: 'json'

git tag -l returns last tag as v2.3.0

composer.json holds the proper 2.3.0 version

This project is now deprecated (#907).
You can check out as an alternative.

@aperkaz , maybe this should be made as announcement in the README... Thank you for the information.

I have the same problem any possible work around? I have multiple CI in azure devops. And some just are stuck in 1.0.1 and cant get to see why.