
Can I use a Jira ticket number as a prefix to my commits

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I would like to have as a commit template is something like this:

JiraTicketNumber | type(scope): commit subject for example: MT-230 | feat(PriceTag): add price modal

By doing this will it affect by any means my changelog file or even block me for releasing a new tag?

thanks in advance 💯

Probably won't work as expected. The standard is clear though, this is how you would format your example:

feat(PriceTag): add price modal


There are also Jira-Integrations (for example for Gitlab) that pick up the ticket number and link the commit to the actual Jira ticket.

You could however fork this repository and implement your own format yourself.

Thanks @Regenhardt but actually it does work we tried it and it if fine.

Updated my reply, totally forgot the marker.

Edit: Ah just saw your edit, nice one, didn't expect that :D