
Can't import fit in the latest commit

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I am on commit 648d114, and was about to try to fit something very basic when I got the following error from trying import fit.

In [1]: import fit
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-b7a6b9d011b5> in <module>()
----> 1 import fit

C:\Users\Berk\Dropbox (MIT)\MIT Senior Year\16.82\gpfit\gpfit\ in <module>()
      2 from numpy import ones, exp, sqrt, mean, square, hstack
      3 from gpkit import NamedVariables, VectorVariable, Variable, NomialArray
----> 4 from .implicit_softmax_affine import implicit_softmax_affine
      5 from .softmax_affine import softmax_affine
      6 from .max_affine import max_affine

ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package

??? Help?

bqpd commented

it looks like you were in the gpfit folder? Shouldn't you import

poop. I need a lesson in libraries and importing instead. But why did it give the error above? I'm still confused about that; shouldn't it have failed outright?

bqpd commented

Not if you were in the gpfit folder, or any folder with a file called

I am stupid... so please explain to me why I need to say import instead of just import fit within the folder. Because I understand using from fit import fit, but wouldn't import fit just suffice?

bqpd commented

in Python 2, import <filename in current directory> will import that file directly, not as part of its package, so you get the non-package error. Better to just never work directly in the gpfit repository unless you're actually editing gpfit code...

K. Note taken, and lesson in imports learned. Thanks Ned, closing!