
Splitting markdown files into sections

Closed this issue · 3 comments

@bqpd, @whoburg: essentially what I want my pdf to look like is:

Weight Model:
List of all my assumptions
List of all my variables
List of all my constraints

Aero Model:
Same thing

Then the solution table.

Any idea on how to do this? You can look at my latest commit in 1682master to see my md file.


#inPDF: skip

from gpkit import Variable, Model, units
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

class SolarHALE(Model):
    """High altitude long endurance solar UAV"""
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Setup method should return objective, list of constraints"""
        constraints = []

Steady level flight variables

#inPDF: replace with slfvars.generated.tex
        CD = Variable('C_D', '-', 'Drag coefficient')
        CL = Variable('C_L', '-', 'Lift coefficient')
        P_shaft = Variable('P_{shaft}', 'W', 'Shaft power')
        S = Variable('S', 'm^2', 'Wing reference area')
        V = Variable('V', 'm/s', 'Cruise velocity')
        W = Variable('W', 'lbf', 'Aircraft weight')

        eta_prop = Variable(r'\eta_{prop}', 0.7, '-', 'Propulsive efficiency')
        rho = Variable(r'\rho', 'kg/m^3')
#inPDF: replace with slfcnstrs.generated.tex

        constraints.extend([P_shaft >= V*W*CD/CL/eta_prop,   # eta*P = D*V
                            W == 0.5*rho*V**2*CL*S])

Aerodynamics model

#inPDF: replace with aerovars.generated.tex

        Cd0 = Variable('C_{d0}', 0.002, '-', "non-wing drag coefficient")
        cdp = Variable("c_{dp}", "-", "wing profile drag coeff")
        CLmax = Variable('C_{L-max}', 1.5, '-', 'maximum lift coefficient')
        e = Variable('e', 0.9, '-', "spanwise efficiency")
        AR = Variable('AR', 27, '-', "aspect ratio")
        b = Variable('b', 'ft', 'span')
        mu = Variable(r'\mu', 1.5e-5, 'N*s/m^2', "dynamic viscosity")
        Re = Variable("Re", '-', "Reynolds number")
        Re_ref = Variable("Re_{ref}", 3e5, "-", "Reference Re for cdp")
        Cf = Variable("C_f", "-", "wing skin friction coefficient")
        Kwing = Variable("K_{wing}", 1.3, "-", "wing form factor")
#inPDF: replace with aerocnstrs.generated.tex

            CD >= (Cd0 + cdp + CL**2/(np.pi*e*AR))*1.3,
            cdp >= ((0.006 + 0.005*CL**2 + 0.00012*CL**10)*(Re/Re_ref)**-0.3),
            b**2 == S*AR,
            CL <= CLmax,
            Re == rho*V/mu*(S/AR)**0.5,

Weight model

#inPDF: replace with weightvars.generated.tex
        W_batt = Variable('W_{batt}', 'lbf', 'Battery weight')
        W_airframe = Variable('W_{airframe}', 'lbf', 'Airframe weight')
        W_solar = Variable('W_{solar}', 'lbf', 'Solar panel weight')
        W_pay = Variable(r'W_{pay}', 4, 'lbf', 'Aircraft weight')

        E_batt = Variable('E_{batt}', 'J', 'Battery energy')
        rho_solar = Variable(r'\rho_{solar}', 1.2, 'kg/m^2',
                             'Solar cell area density')
        f_airframe = Variable('f_{airframe}', 0.20, '-',
                              'Airframe weight fraction')
        h_batt = Variable('h_{batt}', 250, 'W*hr/kg', 'Battery energy density')
        g = Variable('g', 9.81, 'm/s^2', 'Gravitational acceleration')
#inPDF: replace with weightcnstrs.generated.tex

        constraints.extend([W_airframe >= W*f_airframe,
                            W_batt >= E_batt/h_batt*g,
                            W_solar >= rho_solar*g*S,
                            W >= W_pay + W_solar + W_airframe + W_batt])

@bqpd, I don't have class today so if it would help to meet up to talk about what I'm envisioning then let me know.

was this resolved by using individual ConstraintSets?

Yes it was.