
Fails to require JS libraries

Closed this issue · 9 comments

When opening the application after having installed according to the readme I get the following errors in the browser.

Uncaught Error: failed to require "underscore" build.js:11
Uncaught Error: failed to require "jquery"

Does the component build step succeed?

I have the same problem, and in my case the component build first gave

       fatal : timeout of 5000ms exceeded for ""

        return binding.unlink(pathModule._makeLong(path));
  Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory '/home/hukka/repos/gtfs-data-manager/public/components/moment/moment/2.9.0.tar.gz'
    at Object.fs.unlinkSync (fs.js:769:18)
    at process.onexit (/home/hukka/node_modules/component/node_modules/component-resolver/node_modules/component-downloader/build/archive.js:442:12)
    at process.emit (events.js:117:20)
    at process.exit (node.js:711:17)
    at Object.exports.fatal (/home/hukka/node_modules/component/node_modules/component-consoler/index.js:73:11)
    at Resolver.<anonymous> (/home/hukka/node_modules/component/bin/component-build:180:28)
    at Object._onImmediate (/home/hukka/node_modules/component/node_modules/co/index.js:52:14)
    at processImmediate [as _immediateCallback] (timers.js:336:15)

but on second attempt continued and passed without errors.
When that error was given, public/components/moment/moment/tmp-qyuvulqh1d2yy14i.2.9.0.tar.gz did exist, but no 2.9.0.tar.gz.

Hi @mattwigway,

Yes the build succeeds with

gtfs-data-manager@natsumi:~/public$ component build

       build : resolved in 118ms
       build : build/build.css in 490ms - 154kb
       build : files in 555ms
       build : build/build.js in 565ms - 1038kb

If I replace the short names used in the require with the full names (e.g. jashkenas~underscore@1.7.0) it works properly.

component.modules is the following

    Hmm. What version of component are you using?

    --        Matthew Wigginton Conway       Transportation Analytics/Open SourceWashington,
     ---- On Wed, 11 Feb 2015 04:15:53 -0500  wrote ----component.modules is the following

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  Hmm. What version of component are you using?


Tomi Pievil�inen, +358 400 487 504
A: Because it disrupts the natural way of thinking.
Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

    Hmm. I haven't tested with that new of a version. I wonder if that's it.Are you building with -d and -c? I've had trouble with that in the past.

    --        Matthew Wigginton Conway       Transportation Analytics/Open SourceWashington,
     ---- On Wed, 11 Feb 2015 06:15:17 -0500  wrote ---->         Hmm. What version of component are you using?


Tomi Pievil inen, +358 400 487 504
A: Because it disrupts the natural way of thinking.
Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?
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Ok, running component build -c -d seems to do the trick. I think it is with the -d, as it creates the short aliases for the libraries used.

Probably this info should be added in the

Good to know, thanks for taking this down.

    --        Matthew Wigginton Conway       Transportation Analytics/Open SourceWashington,
     ---- On Wed, 11 Feb 2015 07:01:16 -0500  wrote ----Ok, running component build -c -d seems to do the trick. I think it is with the -d, as it creates the short aliases for the libraries used.

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