Do not populate the dropdown until a selection for the hall is made.
Closed this issue · 3 comments
conzty01 commented
This is applicable for both the home and conflict page.
conzty01 commented
When a hall is chosen, make an API call to the server to get the respective RAs.
conzty01 commented
This issue could get resolved in the future if the view an RA gets is specific to the hall they belong to, but until the login is established, this issue can be fixed.
conzty01 commented
With the direction that the PR #24 is going, this issue is no longer valid. Even if there is no login system implemented at this point, the scope of the project has shifted to be just a single Res Hall making the dropdown not necessary. In the future, if the scope changes to multiple Res Halls, then a log in system will be implemented as well.