
Is there some methods to determine the size of the compressed image?

MA-Aaron opened this issue · 1 comments


I'm using this fantastic library in my project to compress images. May I know is it possible to determine the size of the output image? For example, compressing every image to 200k.

Kind Regards,

Not with Thumbnailator.

There's no good way to determine the output image size before compressing the image. Even after the compressed image is created, it's basically a trial-and-error process, since the Java Image I/O API (which Thumbnailator relies on) only provides a 0.0f to 1.0f range of compression levels. As such, it's going to be difficult (if not impossible) to hit a particular file size. One could repeat a trial-and-error method to achieve the "closest" value, but I wouldn't count on it.

I'd guess the most difficult scenario would be trying to target a size that's larger than what's achieved at the lowest compression quality settings. Unlike streams of data like audio or video which have use cases where a particular bit rate needs to be targeted (for connection speeds; sometimes you end up with padding to forcefully achieve larger values than necessary), images don't have those strict size requirements.