❗❗ This is the old version of RhinoBot! ❗❗

The up-to-date rewrite is in the develop branch. You should use the develop branch version, not the master branch version.

RhinoBot: The music bot for Discord.

What is this and what does it do?

RhinoBot is a very nifty Discord music bot written in Python. It plays requested songs and if the queue becomes empty it will play through a list of existing songs.

How do I set it up?

DO NOT FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS! INSTALL THE DEVELOP BRANCH VERSION. Installation instructions will remain in this README.md file for history purposes:

  1. Install Python 3.5.1
    • Make sure you select this option in the Python install: Python install
  2. Install Git
    • Make sure you select this option in the Git install: Git install
  3. Download the bot and configure it in options.txt.
  4. Install dependencies by running fixnupdate.bat.
  5. Run bot with runbot.bat.

Once started, its good to go. If you have any errors, report them here or on my Discord and then restart the bot.

Discord help channel: https://discord.gg/0iqN3da4zqrSz036

Configuration File

  • Line 1: Email address of bot for Discord.
  • Line 2: Password of bot for Discord.
  • Line 3: Accepts "0" or "1", enables or disables the whitelist. 0 turning it off, 1 turning it on.
  • Line 4: The number of days until a person can freely interact with the bot and not be on the whitelist.
  • Line 5: The Owner's Discord user ID.
  • Line 6: The number of votes to skip for it to actually skip.

What are it's commands?

  • !whatismyuserid will tell you your user ID.
  • !whitelist @username will whitelist people (and you if the server is new!) so they can play music.
  • !blacklist @username will disallow a person from interacting with the bot.
  • !play help will summon a list of commands accepted by the bot.
  • !play url will allow me to play a new song or add it to the queue.
  • !play playlist will print out all links to youtube videos currently in the queue.
  • !play pause will pause the playing of music! Will NOT pause the song but rather the playing of songs. Only usable by the bot's owner.
  • !play resume will resume the playing of songs! Only usable by the bot's owner.
  • !play shuffle will shuffle the songs in the playlist! Only usable by the bot's owner.
  • !play skip will make it skip to the next song after 2 people vote! Instant skip though if used by the Bot's Owner.
  • !play volume level will change the volume level! Default is 0.15 (15%). MUST BE A NUMBER FROM 0-1.


The FAQ can be accessed at this wiki article.