
RHEL/CENTOS 6 Fisma settings

Primary LanguagePuppet

This module is an attempt to easily pass FISMA for RHEL/CENTOS 6. Due to not finding any similar modules I decided to start this one. If you have any questions/suggestions/other please message me.

This module requires https://forge.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs/stdlib and https://github.com/fiddyspence/puppet-sysctl

Here are some false positives also I ran into with tenable.

1001900 TFTP Not enabled

1001873 False positive empty directory with 755 on the folder

1001872 False positive flagging symbolic links

1001871 False positive flagging symbolic links

1001869 False positive flagging symbolic links

1001868 False positive flagging symbolic links

1001857 False positive could not replicate

1001856 False positive nothing returned when running - find / -xdev -type d -perm 002 ! -perm 1000

1001850 IPV6 is not enabled

1001838 False positive - Last login: Wed Dec 11 13:31:52 2013

1001832 Not DOD and FTPS/FTP services not running

1001782 False Positive nothing mounted with CIFS

1001781 False Positive Samba not installed by default

1001758 False positive non DoD Using internal time server

1001759 False positive Picked up comment lines

1001709 False Positive Checks are in place

1001708 False Positive Checks are in place

1001669 False Positive Lines are in place

1001668 Can be set if necessary

1001666 Can be set if necessary

1001660 False positive iptables 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off

1001659 Not using any IPV6

1001658 Not using any IPV6

1001657 Not using any IPV6