
self.originalTopContentInset can't be zero

Psidium opened this issue · 8 comments

In my project, the tableView's inset is supposed to be zero, but on line 128

    if (self.originalTopContentInset == 0) self.originalTopContentInset =; 

don't let it be zero, setting originalTopContentInset to dropHeight value, moving the tableView down:


have you try set viewController's automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets to NO? by default that property change both inset and offset.

Same behavior. Commenting line 128 (letting it always be zero) fixed the issue for my project, but my project only.

I got the same problem. And I tried to unclick the automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets. It still didn't work

Commenting that line solves the same issue for me, too. Note that I've a non-translucent navigation bar, with automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets set to NO for the view controller. Maybe it's related?

I got the same issue with a scrollview in a container, but commenting the line, as @mamouneyya said, it's working fine.

same issue with tableView. First pulling adds the inset to the table view. Commenting this line works well.

try swift-implemented, I make best use of dropHeight instead of originalTopContentInset.@silentred @coolbeet @wxxsw @StarClutch

Hello, whether this demo or own projects, can't return to the starting position after the drop-down, the view will be stuck, hope the author can repair.