
gha experiments

Primary LanguageShell


gha experiments so far...

Documentation Status

[1] script standalone

script generates artifact, creates PR, merges PR, creates RELEASE

  • script in the repo
  • user clones repo with token, runs script: ./generate_release.sh
  • script creates artifact
  • script commits artifact into new branch : releases-no-gha/$DATE/$TIME
    this is so that standalone run does not also invoke the release-on-pr.yml workflow!
  • script pushes branch to upstream
  • script creates a PR from branch to master using gh-cli
  • script merges PR using gh-cli
  • script creates RELEASE from master, and uploads artifact into release using gh-cli

[2] script + gh actions

script generates artifact, creates PR
gh actions processes PR, merges PR, creates RELEASE


gh actions processes RELEASE, creates a docker image, and pushes it into ghcr.io


  • script in the repo

  • user clones repo with token, runs script with argument: ./generate_release.sh github-actions

  • script creates artifact

  • script commits artifact into new branch : releases/$DATE/$TIME

  • script pushes branch to upstream

  • script creates a PR from branch to master using gh-cli

  • gha processes PR - checks for changes in a specific directory: release-artifacts

  • if yes, gha adds a comment, and approves review for the PR

  • gha auto merges PR with squash

  • gha creates a release from master and uploads artifact into release

  • gha process release, builds a docker image with the release script

  • gha pushes the docker image into ghcr.io with latest tag, and version in the labels

  • pull the latest docker image using: docker pull ghcr.io/coolbreeze413/gharial:latest

  • run the docker container, wrapper scripts provided for easy usage:
    ./gharial_docker_run_shell.sh --workdir $PWD --gharial-image ghcr.io/coolbreeze413/gharial:latest
    this will run the docker container, and drop into a bash shell session
    to run the script, just execute gharial_release

    ./gharial_docker_run_gharial.sh --workdir $PWD --gharial-image ghcr.io/coolbreeze413/gharial:latest
    this will run the docker container, execute the gharial_release and exit the container

    ./gharial_docker_run_gharial_gui.sh --workdir $PWD --gharial-image ghcr.io/coolbreeze413/gharial:latest
    this will run the docker container, setup display, execute the gharial_release and exit the container
    this is an example where the target is a GUI application running in the container that we want to use as if it was a native GUI app on the HOST.

[3] submodule update gh action

gh actions to check if submodule is updated in a specific directory, and raise a PR for bumping up submodule revision in the repo.

for straightforward use cases, use dependabot.
for triggering PRs only when a specific file/dir of a submodule us updated, use this gha.


  • check for submodule updates (revision)
    • if yes, check if change in a specific dir of interest
      • if yes, check if we already have a PR for the same specific revision (previous run of the gh action)
        • if yes, do nothing futher
        • if no, check if we already have a PR for a previous revision (unmerged, previous run of the gh action)
          • if yes, store this PR number, as we will close this PR once a new one is raised
          • if no, proceed further
        • create a new PR to bump sumbodule to latest revision
        • if previous PR for older version was raised, close it now, and add a comment pointing to the new PR number which supersedes the previous PR
    • done

[4] repository-dispatch and workflow-dispatch

workflow can be triggered using a POST request to GH API.
this can, for example be triggered from a workflow in another repo, say on a push to 'master'

gh action to receive repository-dispatch and workflow-dispatch events is in this repo:


examples of how a workflow from another repo can trigger this workflow through both type of events are here:

repository-dispatch :


workflow-dispatch :


NOTE: the workflows from the triggering repo (dependabot_sub_a) use the repo secret: secret.GHARIAL_PAT_SECRET
this secret is added to the repo, with the PAT which can actually access the target repo (gharial) default GITHUB_TOKEN cannot be used.

NOTE: the same event can be sent from any REST client (cURL) using an appropriate PAT, such as from a script, instead of from the workflow of another repo.

adding test changes