
Request for write parameters

IllegalDuke opened this issue · 2 comments


in the issue: [ "Mischkreis1" (MK1) missing #26 ] you implemented the MK1 values. -> Thank you for that!

Is it possible to write the MK1 values?
Especially these values are very interesting for me to better pre-heat my MK1 - Fußbodenheizung during the day with Photovoltaik-Power:
mk1_curve_end_point: 26
mk1_curve_parallel_offset: 26
deltaMk1Reduction: 0

And this value for the heating would also help much:
deltaHeatingReduction: 0

Can you please implement this?

Thank you very much!

Best Regards and greetings from Germany ;-)

Hello Daniel,
the most Paramters are also writeable. The best way would be to test it. Perhaps you want to give it a try?

I think my problem then is, that I am using the IOBroker Adapter from UncleSamSwiss and he just allows to write the implemented parameters in your script.
So I think I would need these parameters in the following code area:
Luxtronik.prototype._handleWriteCommand = function (parameterName, realValue, callback) { const writeParameters = Object.freeze({

and add this for MK1 as it is already there for the "Heizkurve":

'heating_curve_parallel_offset': { setParameter: 12, setValue: utils.value2LuxtronikSetTemperatureValue(utils.limitRange(realValue, 15, 45)) },

I can try it by importing your script in IOBroker, but can you please adivise how I can write the parameter on my own?
Do I have to add it there(in your code) on my own or is there another function to write parameters, which are not pre-defined?

Sorry, I am a "beginner" in JavaScript, not a expert... yet ;-)
