
warmwater_target_temperature bug

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The write parameter "warmwater_target_temperature" does not update (german) "Wunschtemperatur" but "Deckung WP".
"Deckung WP" is not even settable on the heappump display itself.

Or do I have some misunderstanding?

Thats curious. On my AIT heatpump it sets the "Wunschtemperatur". Which heatpump do you use? Do you use a second heater (heat stick)?

Hi @coolchip,
in meantime I figured it out. It wasn't this library but iobroker.luxtronik wrongly hooked this datapoint, so I did a pullrequest there to fix it.
But what I did notice is that a lot of times when heatpump-state == -1 (unknown) things get instable. I did not debug it yet, just wanted to leave this note.
You can close this issue. Thanks.

Thanks for your replay. If you want to you can open a new issue.