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articur8 is an open source news clustering engine. Techmeme for the free soul, and very much amenable to hacking. :)
Here's how it looks on a mobile and a desktop (screenshots will be updated in time)
'fab kickstart' starts the engine (corresponding interpretations for 'fab kickrestart and fab kickstop').
You'll need to run redis-server separately (assuming you have redis installed). articur8 uses it as a db.
Celery is used to distribute the performance across multicore processors.
The view above is from a node app called 'motherlode'. To view the results, head to articurate/motherlode and run ./ to install prerequisite modules for Motherlode.
Then ./ to start the will start listening, so move to a new terminal window. The view should be available on your localhost address in browser.
This is a WIP, so the instructions/code needs cleaning up. Think Google News/Techmeme for your desktop. :)
The current feed source is the leaderboard at Techmeme. Not too hard to switch it out in the crawler section (feed digger at articurate/fd (lb.opml file).