
Document item_ids from the _Integration update and add to sanction list

fredkilbourn opened this issue · 8 comments

Here's what I've seen so far, looking for input for anyone who's figured any of them out, please comment below if you know and I'll try and update this comment as I get feedback:

Item ID,Item Category,Item Name
6009860,??DERVISH/0??,DV-22 Raycaster
6009861,??DERVISH/0??,DV-22T Lightweaver
6009928,??DERVISH/0??,DV-21 Lotus
6009991,??DERVISH/0??,DV-LAT Pixie

Got most of what we needed from Rhett on #api-dev, all we need now are item category names for the new vehicles.

All we need now is the Dervish weapon categories

Is this request still active or has it become outdated?

Still don't have the official weapon category names for this, I'll see if I can figure them out again.

See all the UNKNOWN prefixed categories for weapons starting DV- here:

I've recently started looking at the internal data (So we can look this kind of stuff up for ourself when we need it):

  • Dervish weapons don't have a CategoryID set internally for them.
  • But there is a string in the string table called Dervish Top Turret that looks like a category name.
  • Dervish Top Turret string hash is 2664312037 so a very dirty reverse the string id used for lookup is 6014921
  • That id isn't currently used by any of the files inside data_x64_0

Hope any of that helps either directly or indirectly

I suppose I'll just base it off the in-game labels until it (ever) shows up in the API, since this at least corresponds with the one string you found:


Nose Cannon and Dervish Top Turret

Or should we say Dervish Nose Cannon?

Or should we say Dervish Nose Cannon?

I would got with that yes ^^